09/30/2023 (59 pages)
Paradise Found: A High School Football Team's Rise From The Ashes (Pages 83-120; Kindle) - 258pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 154-174) - 209pp
09/29/2023 (59 pages)
Instant Mom (Pages 71-85) - 282pp
Paradise Found: A High School Football Team's Rise From The Ashes (Pages 44-82; Kindle) - 258pp
The Greatest Coach Ever: Timeless Wisdom And Insights Of John Wooden (Pages 168-172) - 196pp
09/28/2023 (87 pages)
Instant Mom (Pages 61-70) - 282pp
Paradise Found: A High School Football Team's Rise From The Ashes (Pages 6-43; Kindle) - 258pp
The Greatest Coach Ever: Timeless Wisdom And Insights Of John Wooden (Pages 163-167) - 196ppTo The Churches: For we are all one in Christ (Pages 3-36) - 195pp
09/27/2023 (145 pages)
09/27/2023 (145 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 191-217; Kindle)
Break Out: A Criminal's Journey to Eternal Freedom (Pages 90-149)
Courtly Love: A Profile of Coach Marsha Sharp (Pages 34-55) - 144ppInstant Mom (Pages 51-60) - 282pp
Paradise Found: A High School Football Team's Rise From The Ashes (Pages 1-5; Kindle) - 258pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 142-153) - 209pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 78-86)
09/26/2023 (88 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 152-190; Kindle) - 217pp
Instant Mom (Pages 35-50) - 282pp
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 141-154) - 359pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 123-141) - 209pp
09/25/2023 (82 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 115-151; Kindle) - 217pp
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 117-140) - 359ppSosa: An Autobiography (Pages 106-122) - 209pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 74-77) - 86pp
09/24/2023 (108 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 85-114; Kindle) - 217pp
Christian Extremism: A Life Worth Dying For (Pages 32-46) - 171pp
Instant Mom (Pages 1-34) - 282pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 82-105) - 209pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 69-73) - 86pp
09/23/2023 (61 pages)
Break Out: A Criminal's Journey to Eternal Freedom (Pages 36-89) - 149pp
Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel; The Power of Faith Based Diplomacy (Pages 104-110) - 241pp
09/22/2023 (100 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 49-84; Kindle) - 217pp
Christian Extremism: A Life Worth Dying For (Pages 17-31) - 171pp
Courtly Love: A Profile of Coach Marsha Sharp (Pages 3-33) - 144pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 51-68) - 86pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 51-68) - 86pp
09/21/2023 (116 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 12-48; Kindle) - 217pp
Break Out: A Criminal's Journey to Eternal Freedom (Pages 5-35) - 149pp
Christian Extremism: A Life Worth Dying For (Pages 1-16) - 171pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 64-81) - 209pp
Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel; The Power of Faith Based Diplomacy (Pages 90-103) - 241pp
09/20/2023 (123 pages)
Birdie: Confessions Of A Baseball Nomad (Pages 4-11; Kindle) - 217pp
Running for Our Lives: A Story of Faith, Politics, and the Common Good (Pages 122-164)
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 46-50) - 86pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 32-63) - 209pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 233-267; Kindle)The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 46-50) - 86pp
09/19/2023 (129 pages)
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 90-116) - 359ppRunning for Our Lives: A Story of Faith, Politics, and the Common Good (Pages 102-121) - 164pp
Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel; The Power of Faith Based Diplomacy (Pages 60-89) - 241pp
Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 137-149) - 250pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 194-232; Kindle) - 247pp Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel; The Power of Faith Based Diplomacy (Pages 60-89) - 241pp
09/18/2023 (104 pages)
Great Coaches Have Faith: Sports Guide For Aspiring Coaches (Pages 23-24) - 107pp
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 72-89) - 359pp
Running for Our Lives: A Story of Faith, Politics, and the Common Good (Pages 85-101) - 164pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 8-31) - 209pp
Sosa: An Autobiography (Pages 8-31) - 209pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 151-193; Kindle) - 247pp
09/17/2023 (153 pages)
Great Coaches Have Faith: Sports Guide For Aspiring Coaches (Pages 1-22) - 107pp
Running for Our Lives: A Story of Faith, Politics, and the Common Good (Pages 43-84) - 164pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 108-150; Kindle) - 247pp
The Navajo Code Talkers (Pages 120-167)
The Navajo Code Talkers (Pages 120-167)
09/16/2023 (60 pages)
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 55-71) - 359ppSerenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 129-136) - 250pp
The Navajo Code Talkers (Pages 85-119) - 167pp
09/15/2023 (53 pages)
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 40-46) - 156pp
Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 117-128) - 250pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 74-107; Kindle) - 247pp
09/14/2023 (73 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 172-191, 199-200)
Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 103-116) - 250pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 37-73; Kindle) - 247pp
09/13/2023 (94 pages)
Impossible Catch: A Football Story Of Passion Meeting Fate (Pages 142-171)
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 40-54) - 359pp
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 27-39) - 156pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 1-36; Kindle) - 247pp
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 27-39) - 156pp
Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs-A Memoir (Pages 1-36; Kindle) - 247pp
09/12/2023 (157 pages)
Impossible Catch: A Football Story Of Passion Meeting Fate (Pages 82-141) - 171pp
Making The Call: Living With Your Decisions (Pages 185-192)
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 18-26) - 156pp
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 253-296, 307; Kindle)
The Navajo Code Talkers (Pages 69-84) - 167pp
Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 87-102) - 250pp
Speak with No Fear: Go from a nervous, nauseated, and sweaty speaker to an excited, energized, and passionate presenter (Pages 122-130; Kindle) - 181ppThe Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 253-296, 307; Kindle)
The Navajo Code Talkers (Pages 69-84) - 167pp
09/11/2023 (101 pages)
Impossible Catch: A Football Story Of Passion Meeting Fate (Pages 50-81) - 171pp
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 169-187)
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 203-252; Kindle) - 307pp
09/10/2023 (93 pages)
Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 26-39) - 359pp
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 6-17) - 156pp
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages 6-17) - 156pp
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 160-168) - 187pp
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 145-202; Kindle) - 307pp
09/09/2023 (47 pages)
Baseball Maniacs (Pages 101-118)
Impossible Catch: A Football Story Of Passion Meeting Fate (Pages 21-49) - 171pp
09/08/2023 (78 pages)
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages ix-xvii, 1-5) - 156pp
Owning a Piece of the Minors (Pages ix-xvii, 1-5) - 156pp
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 148-159) - 187pp
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 93-144; Kindle) - 307pp
09/07/2023 (148 pages)
Baseball Maniacs (Pages 79-100) - 118pp
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 142-171) - 200ppImpossible Catch: A Football Story Of Passion Meeting Fate (Pages vii-xii, 1-20) - 171pp
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 134-147) - 187pp
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 36-92; Kindle) - 307pp
09/06/2023 (83 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 116-141) - 200ppShe Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 124-133) - 187pp
The Least Among Them: 29 Players, Their Brief Moments in the Big Leagues, and a Unique History of the New York Yankees (Pages 14-35) - 307pp
You're Not Welcome Here: Exclusionary Practices In The Game Of Baseball (Pages 108-132; Kindle)
09/05/2023 (72 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 90-115) - 200pp
09/04/2023 (73 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 90-115) - 200pp
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 113-123) - 187pp
You're Not Welcome Here: Exclusionary Practices In The Game Of Baseball (Pages 73-107; Kindle) - 132pp
You're Not Welcome Here: Exclusionary Practices In The Game Of Baseball (Pages 73-107; Kindle) - 132pp
Baseball Maniacs (Pages 64-78) - 118pp
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 32-89) - 200pp
09/03/2023 (38 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 12-31) - 200pp
Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos By Leaning on Christ (Pages 69-86) - 250pp
09/02/2023 (11 pages)
Dereliction of Duty (Pages 1-11) - 200pp
09/01/2023 (15 pages)
She Come By It Natural: Dolly Parton and the Women Who Lived Her Songs (Pages 104-112) - 187pp
The Best of Bus Leagues Baseball: The Collected Writings of Chris Fee (Pages 40-45) - 86pp