Sunday, March 31, 2024

Daily Reading Efforts - March 2024

03/31/2024 (116 pages)
1842 (Pages 114-168; Kindle)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 186-205) - 243pp
No Easy Game: His own story in his own words (Pages 34-56) - 166pp
Rookie: When Michael Jordan Came To The Minor Leagues (Pages 13-26) - 220pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 26-29) - 101pp

03/30/2024 (140 pages)
1842 (Pages 59-113; Kindle)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 175-185) - 243pp
First Dooowwwnnn . . . and Life to Go!: How an Enthusiastic Approach Changed Everything for the Most Colorful Referee in NFL History (Pages ix-xi, 1-24) - 163pp
No Easy Game: His own story in his own words (Pages 1-33) - 166pp
Rookie: When Michael Jordan Came To The Minor Leagues (Pages ix-x, 1-12) - 220pp

03/29/2024 (37 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 163-174) - 243pp
Baseball's Natural:  The Story of Eddie Waitkus (Pages 4-28) - 136pp

03/28/2024 (97 pages)
1842 (Pages 11-58; Kindle)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 152-162) - 243pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 201-213) 
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 57-81) - 180pp

03/27/2024 (95 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 149-151) - 243pp
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 109-117) - 153pp
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages 140-169) - 221pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 186-200) - 213pp
Punched In The Mouth: The Inner Game of Overcoming Adversity (Pages 110-134; Kindle)
Sox Bid Curse Farewell:  The 2004 Boston Red Sox (Pages 1-22 (429); Kindle)

03/26/2024 (96 pages)
1842 (Pages 4-10; Kindle)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 137-148) - 243pp
If These Walls Could Talk:  Stories from the Boston Red Sox Dugout, Locker Room, and Press Box (Pages 66-95) - 233pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 164-185) - 213pp
Punched In The Mouth: The Inner Game of Overcoming Adversity (Pages 75-109; Kindle)

03/25/2024 (127 pages)
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 107-108) - 153pp
If These Walls Could Talk:  Stories from the Boston Red Sox Dugout, Locker Room, and Press Box (Pages 5-65) - 233pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 146-163) - 213pp
Punched In The Mouth: The Inner Game of Overcoming Adversity (Pages 42-74; Kindle)
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages 113-125) - 218pp - $8

03/24/2024 (91 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 121-136) - 243pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 125-145) - 213pp
Punched In The Mouth: The Inner Game of Overcoming Adversity (Pages 4-41; Kindle)
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 214-229)

03/23/2024 (72 pages)
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 254-280; Kindle)
If These Walls Could Talk:  Stories from the Boston Red Sox Dugout, Locker Room, and Press Box (Pages x-xxii, 2-4) - 233pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 113-124) - 213pp
Ross Youngs:  In Search of a San Antonio Baseball Legend (Pages 14-30) - 136pp

03/22/2024 (73 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 106-120) - 243pp
Baseball's Natural:  The Story of Eddie Waitkus (Pages xiii-xxiii, 1-3) - 136pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 227-253; Kindle)
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 96-112) - 213pp

03/21/2024 (74 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 84-105) - 243pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 202-226; Kindle)
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 78-95) - 213pp
Ross Youngs:  In Search of a San Antonio Baseball Legend (Pages 5-13) - 136pp

03/20/2024 (85 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 66-83) - 243pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 173-201; Kindle)
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 57-77) - 213pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 194-213) - 229pp

03/19/2024 (83 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 54-65) - 243pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 145-172; Kindle)
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 30-56) - 213pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 178-193) - 229pp

03/18/2024 (162 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 39-53) - 243pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 117-144; Kindle)
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages 79-139) - 221pp
One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories (Pages 1-29) - 213pp
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages 95-112) - 218pp - $8
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 167-177) - 229pp

03/17/2024 (74 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 24-38) - 243pp
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 92-116; Kindle)
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages 176-185 plus one)
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 144-166) - 229pp

03/16/2024 (34 pages)
All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters (Pages 3-23) - 243pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 131-143) - 229pp

03/15/2024 (79 pages)
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages 67-78) - 221pp
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages 121-175) - 185pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 119-130) - 229pp

03/14/2024 (148 pages)
101 Questions Children Ask about God (Pages 1-57; #24)
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 65-91; Kindle)
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages 15-66) - 221pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 107-118) - 229pp

03/13/2024 (114 pages)
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 38-64; Kindle)
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages 93-120) - 185pp
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 85-104)
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 203-224)
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 168-184)

03/12/2024 (125 pages)
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 27-37; Kindle)
How Hockey Saved My World:  An off-beat family memoir (Pages 37-73; Kindle)
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 196-202) - 224pp
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages 52-94) - 218pp - $8
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 156-167) - 184pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 92-106) - 229pp

03/11/2024 (132 pages)
How Hockey Saved My World:  An off-beat family memoir (Pages 5-36; Kindle)
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 215-289)
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 147-155) - 184pp
Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game (Pages 76-91) - 229pp

03/10/2024 (23 pages)
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages 11-14) - 221pp
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 205-214) - 289pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 138-146) - 184pp

03/09/2024 (57 pages)
Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had (Pages 1-26 plus four; Kindle)
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 187-204) - 289pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 129-137) - 184pp

03/08/2024 (157 pages)
Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues (Pages vii-xiii, 3-10) - 221pp
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages 62-92) - 185pp
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 216-288; Kindle)
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 74-84) - 104pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 106-128) - 184pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 23-25) - 101pp

03/07/2024 (53 pages)
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages 46-61) - 185pp
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 64-73) - 104pp
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 183-195) - 224pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 98-105) - 184pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 17-22) - 101pp

03/06/2024 (134 pages)
Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports (Pages ix-xvi, 1-45) - 185pp
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 198-212) 
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 158-215; Kindle) - 289pp
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 55-63) - 104pp

03/05/2024 (119 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 265-268)
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages 114-124)
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 113-157; Kindle) - 289pp
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 35-54) - 104pp
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 166-186) - 289pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 80-97) - 184pp

03/04/2024 (68 pages)
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages 97-113) - 124pp
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 62-112; Kindle) - 289pp

03/03/2024 (88 pages)
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 93-106) - 153pp
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages 79-96) - 124pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 41-48) - 126pp - $8
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 14-61; Kindle) - 289pp

03/02/2024 (35 pages)
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages 43-78) - 124pp

03/01/2024 (39 pages)
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages 4-42) - 124pp

Friday, March 29, 2024

Texas College and University Baseball Stadiums Visited - 35

Stadiums / Fields Visited
Abilene Christian University (Crutcher Scott Field) - 2017
Alvin Community College (Phillips Field) - 2023
Angelina College (Poland Stadium Baseball Field) - 2024 (Navarro College 18, Angelina College 8, 7 innings)
Baylor University (Baylor Ballpark) - 2018
Blinn College (Fireman's Park) - 2022
Constellation Field - 2023
Dallas Baptist University (Horner Ballpark) - 2016
East Texas Baptist University (Tiger Ballpark at Woods Field, Marshall) - 2024 (East Texas Baptist University 7, Howard Payne University 2)
Houston Baptist University (Husky Field) - 2013
Lamar University (Vincent-Beck Stadium) - 2023
McLennan Community College (Bosque River Ballpark) - 2022
Rice University (Reckling Park) - 2018
Prairie View A&M University (John W. Tankersley Baseball Field) - 2022
Sam Houston State University (Don Sanders Stadium) - 2017
San Jacinto College (John Ray Harrison Field) - 2020
Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU Baseball Field) - 2023
Southwestern University (Rockwell Family Baseball Field) - 2023
St. Edward's University (Lucien-Hamilton Field) - 2023
Stephen F. Austin State University (Jaycees Field) - 2023
Texas A&M University (Olsen Field at Blue Bell Park) - 2022
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Chapman Field) - 2023
Texas Christian University (Charlie and Marie Lupton Baseball Stadium) - 2017
Texas Southern University (MacGregor Park's Nagle Field) - 2022
Texas State University (Bobcat Ballpark) - 2019
Texas Wesleyan University (Sycamore Park) - 2023
University of Dallas (University of Dallas Baseball Field) - 2023
University of Houston (Darryl & Lori Schroeder Park) - 2015
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Red Murff Field) - 2022
University of St. Thomas (Father Wilson Field) - 2020
University of Texas (UCFU Disch-Falk Field) - 2019
University of Texas-San Antonio (Roadrunner Field) - 2014
University of Texas-Tyler (Irwin Field) - 2018
West Texas A&M University (Wilder Park) - 2022
Wharton County Junior College (Corbett Park) - 2022
Wharton County Junior College (Bulldog Stadium, Sweeny HS) - 2024 (Wharton County Junior College 5, Eastern Oklahoma State College 2, 7 innings)

Other Stadiums / Fields Visited
Liberty University (Liberty Baseball Stadium) - 2013
Louisiana Christian University (Billy Allgood Stadium) - 2023
Louisiana State University of Alexandria (Generals Baseball Field) - 2023
McNeese State University (Cowboy Stadium) - 2016
Tulane University (Greer Field at Tunchin Stadium) - 2016
University of Hawaii Hilo (Francis Wong Stadium) - 2019
University of New Mexico (Santa Ana Star Field) - 2023

Monday, March 25, 2024

Miles and Miles - 2/25/24 to 3/24/24

February 25 - March 24 - 7.2 miles running - 16.2 miles walking - 49.51 miles walking (Apple Health) - 0 miles cycling (using 9 miles = 30 minutes) - 88,385 meters rowing - 693 minutes elliptical
February 25 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 376 calories; 5,668 strides) - 25:23 rowing for 5,011 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:31/500m) - 0.81 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 26 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,782 strides) - 25:09 rowing for 5,014 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:30/500m) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 27 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,812 strides) - 25:08 rowing for 5,014 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:26/500m) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
February 28 (Wednesday) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health) 
February 29 (Thursday) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 1 (Friday) - 2.9 miles walking (Apple Health) 
March 2 (Saturday) - 5.1 miles walking (Apple Health) 
March 3 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 375 calories; 5,638 strides) - 25:02 rowing for 5,008 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:26/500m) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health) 
March 4 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 378 calories; 5,686 strides) - 25:06 rowing for 5,009 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:28/500m) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 5 (Tuesday) - Mowed the front and back yard - 1.2 miles walking along the Spring Branch Trail (18:21.33 / 15:18) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 376 calories; 5,658 strides) - 25:01 rowing for 5,007 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:25/500m) - 2.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 6 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 378 calories; 5,690 strides) - 25:08 rowing for 5,013 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:25/500m) - 0.48 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 7 (Thursday) - 1 mile running and 2 miles walking at Memorial Park // 42:19.81 - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 8 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 378 calories; 5,690 strides) - 4.5 miles walking on Spring Creek Greenway Trail (1:09:46/15:30) - 0.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 9 (Saturday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 380 calories; 5,730 strides) - 4.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 10 (Sunday) - 4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 11 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 380 calories; 5,732 strides) - 24:56 rowing for 5,009 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:29/500m) -  4 miles walking around Memorial Park with Waverly (1:04:23 / 16:06) - 2.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 12 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,782 strides) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 13 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 384 calories; 5,804 strides) - 24:53 rowing for 5,017 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:28/500m) - 0.53 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 14 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 381 calories; 5,764 strides) - 25:06 rowing for 5,013 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:26/500m) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 15 (Friday) - 2.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 16 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles running at 12th Annual Doug Sibley Memorial Scholarship Fun Run 5K, Omaha, TX - 3.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 17 (Sunday) - 4.5 miles walking on Spring Creek Greenway Trail (1:07:58/15:06) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 380 calories; 5,722 strides) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 18 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 376 calories; 5,658 strides) - 25:06 rowing for 5,010 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:25/500m) - 75-second plank - 25 sit-ups - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 19 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 375 calories; 5,646 strides) - 24:47 rowing for 5,012 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:25/500m) - 0.47 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 20 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 371 calories; 5,576 strides) - 25:17 rowing for 5,018 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:24/500m) - 0.94 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 21 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 376 calories; 5,644 strides) - 29:38 rowing for 5,809 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:32/500m) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
March 22 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 379 calories; 5,706 strides) - 37:30 rowing for 7,404 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:34/500m) - 1.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 23 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles running at 2nd Annual Mont Belvieu Spring Sprint 5K Fun Run, Mont Belvieu, TX (29:26.45) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 374 calories; 5,610 strides) - 25:24 rowing for 5,007 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:32/500m) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 24 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 373 calories; 5,590 strides) - 24:53 rowing for 5,010 meters (28 strokes/min.; 2:28/500m) - 0.68 miles walking (Apple Health)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Professional Mascot Handbook

Forward - 11/12/23
Acknowledgments - 11/12/23

Introduction - 11/12/23
Historical Background - 11/12/23

Charlie "Victory" Faust - 11/12/23
The Phillie Phanatic - 11/13/23
Basebug - 11/27/23
Wild Bill Hagy - 12/11/23
Bird - 12/26/23
Twinkie the Loon - 12/26/23
Pirate Parrot - 12/27/23
B.J. Birdy - 12/27/23
Uncle Willy - 12/28/23
Mr. Red - 12/28/23
Astrojack and Astrodillo - 1/2/24
Ribbie and Roobarb - 1/6/24
Yankee Frankie - 1/6/24
Youppi! - 1/6/24
Dandy - 1/11/24
Chief Noc-A-Homa - 1/11/24
Bleecher Creecher - 1/11/24

The Bear Who Walks Like A Man - 1/18/24
The Viking - 1/18/24
The Terrible Fan - 1/22/24
Steeler Stinger - 1/22/24
Dolfan Denny - 1/23/24
Houston Roughneck - 1/29/24
Crazy Ray - 1/29/24
Birdbrain - 2/6/24
Ben-Zoo - 2/7/24
TD - 2/7/24
The Big Wheel - 2/7/24
Crazy Colt - 2/9/24
Gumbo - 2/9/24

Big Shot & Hoops - 2/9/24
Soccerhead - 2/12/24
Rock 'n Rollen - 2/12/24
Socceroo - 2/12/24
Krazy George - 2/12/24
The Great Imposter - 3/6/24
A.T. Jones & Sons - 3/12/24
Susan McClain-Moore - 3/13/24
Harrison/Erickson, Inc. - 3/13/24
National Fan Organization - 3/13/24
Survey of Pro Athletes - 3/13/24
Helpful Hints - 3/13/24

Roster of Mascots - 3/13/24
The Authors - 3/13/24

Books Bought at Recycled Books, Records, & CDs - 5 (Finished 2)

"Miko Kings:  An Indian Baseball Story" by LeAnne Howe
"Our White Boy (Sport in the American West)" by Jerry Craft with Kathleen Sullivan
"The Eastern Stars:  How Baseball Changed the Dominican Town of San Pedro de Macoris" by Mark Kulansky

"The Teammates:  A Portrait of Friendship" by David Halberstam (Finished 7/29/23)
"When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906" by Bernard A. Weisberger (Finished 3/13/24)

Monday, March 11, 2024

Savannah Bananas Event Review; March 9, 2024

(I wrote this for an internal blog post on the website.)

HOUSTON (Sunday, March 10, 2024) — As part of an effort – over time – to visit the gravesites of all former Major Leaguers buried in Texas, I spent a couple of hours Sunday afternoon in Houston’s Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery.

There are 17 former players – one, Eddy Dyer, who also managed – and a former umpire interred there.

The peacefulness was an unplanned and unintended balance to the cacophony of sounds that came just 24 hours before just seven miles to the west – Minute Maid Park.

In fact, walking from The Rustic restaurant to Discovery Green, in the process of meeting Baseball Bucket List founder Anna Ditomasso in person for the first time, she described – unless I imagined it – the Banana Ball experience as a “shock to the senses” of the uninitiated.

I’m a baseball traditionalist, but far from a purist.

As I shared in episode no. 111, I don’t stay for every pitch – Anna was the first to note on Saturday that the two-hour Banana Ball time limit fit my viewing meter perfectly.

I don’t score a game or have rituals that many others have in their ballpark – and baseball watching – pursuits.

And as I am in other sporting interests, I’m Mr. Anti-Hype.

I could be – and have been – turned off by a particular public address announcers.  (But not on Saturday night)

And when Anna and Mark Jent with Simply A Fan first announced the promotion to experience Banana Ball in a Major League Baseball park for the first time ever, I must have actually conveyed enough doubt then that – after experiencing maybe a bit of FOMO and joining in – both Mark and Anna in a fun, pointed way asked me Saturday evening after it was all done what I thought.

I had a good-natured laugh.

And, more importantly, a great time.

What made it though – other than the great entertainment that the Savannah Bananas operation delivered Saturday evening – were great people.

I’m real high on professionalism – and neither Mark nor Anna disappointed in every single bit of their pre-event communication.

Absolutely top-notch. (In fact, on one communication, I actually responded when it wasn’t even intended for a person attending by themselves!)

I arrived in downtown Houston pretty early, but in plenty of time to park far away from the ballpark and to walk to make the goal of the 3:15 p.m. game of catch in Discovery Green.

A good group had gathered for a pre-game meal and Anna and her spouse were the first to leave – escaping the delay in getting checks resolved – and I met them mid-way.

After all of that group made it to Discovery Green, and getting to meet Mark Jent for the first time, six to eight had started to play catch, but Mark had spied a couple that had gotten married and were taking pictures in Discovery Green.

He fashioned a group picture with them and I went over to explain to the photographer – and our day was made. (We knew theirs had already been made, but they had fun on our behalf.)

On the walk over to Minute Maid Park, the group broke apart and congregated again and when we were trying to figure out where we were entering the park at, I got separated thinking others were following me!

As I made a large walk around the block just west of the stadium, I saw our couple from Rhode Island and I might have casually cut in line to join them as they were the only ones I saw that I knew.

That move paid off.

While the only real delay – for us – took in the scanning process where, to me, it seemed like workers were scanning tickets with an app on their personal devices, which might or might not have had various data speeds causing delays – or the ticket database was obviously getting slammed.

In the restaurant group, we were the first three in – as the others were still in line somewhere outside the Juice Box.

I think with the first-come, first-served seating – like Southwest Airlines but on steroids – within sections, it is probably the first time in Houston’s history also that 40,000 people were encouraged to show up at the same time!

Ultimately, most of all of us convened together in section 109 down the left-field line.

And simply put, we had a great time.

Even me, the extroverted introvert that can be a bit of a curmudgeon once in a while!

Throughout the night, I don’t know if anything truly surprised me – as I was aware beforehand of the entertainment aspect and the fact the players on both teams weren’t from your local Beer Leagues – other than bringing Roger Clemens and Roy Oswalt out to pitch for the Bananas.

I mentioned during the evening that if you go to a regular baseball game, you work hard to keep from being distracted by things going on around you.

At a Banana Ball game, you’re either watching, experiencing or always wondering what’s going to happen next that keeping up with the “game” is much, much harder!

To me, it was like a circus, a concert and a party with a baseball game thrown in just to get you to show up.

The music never stopped – except for announcements.

And even then, there still seemed to be a music bed playing underneath.

Taylor Swift music cuts probably won the night in the stadium sing-a-long, but I would have set the over/under on the number of songs played to be about 175.

Amazing. And with all major genres covered.

Some of my thoughts were that there are lots of things – like announcing the starting lineups of the home team and they come running out of centerfield like the Bananas did – that some lower minor or collegiate summer leagues could do for a little extra juice without being hokey, if executed with the precision and fluidity that the Bananas do it.

And their talent-level in event production is some of the best I’ve seen.

And I can’t imagine why after their success on Saturday night why every single MLB team is not signing up to host them.

But really, if you want to attend one, check out the events that Mark puts together through “Simply A Fan”.

The Saturday before I had a staff lanyard in my work as an announcer for Texas’ sixth largest marathon, but Mark and Anna put together one for everybody that had your name on it that served two purposes – 1.) made you feel like a million bucks and 2.) helped spotting others in the party that we hadn’t already met.

I had a great time also meeting and visiting with Michael Caldwell and his wife Hannah for the bulk of the three-plus hours inside the ballpark Saturday evening.

Looking forward to watching Michael work on his effort to see every single NCAA Division I college baseball stadium in Texas in the years to come.

And if anybody’s heading to the Lone Star state this year or in the years to come, I’m certain that we could get together similar meet-ups to what took place on Saturday.

Looking forward to a great baseball season in 2024!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Books Bought at Waco Half Price Books Outlet on 2/3/24 - 10 (Finished 1)

"How to Be Like Mike: Life Lessons about Basketball's Best" by Pat Williams
"Jews & Christians: A Troubled Family" by Walter Harrelson and Randall M. Falk
"The 1983 Texas Sports Almanac" by Robert O'Brien and Lawrence T. Lorimer
"The Bell Ringer" by Victor Rodriguez
"The Goal and the Glory: Christian Athletes Share Their Inspiring Stories" by Josh Davis
"The Last Shot: City Streets, Basketball Dreams" by Darcy Frey
"Unsportsmanlike Conduct: College Football and the Politics of Rape" by Jessica Luther
"You Herd Me!: I'll Say It If Nobody Else Will" by Colin Cowherd
"You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity" by Don McPherson

"Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree" by Kenneth Copeland (Finished 3/6/24)

Friday, March 1, 2024

Daily Reading Efforts - February 2024

02/29/2024 (5 pages)
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 88-92) - 153pp

02/28/2024 (52 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 251-264) - 268pp
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 86-87) - 153pp
Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After (Pages xi-xvii, 1-3) - 124pp
Saturdays with Billy: My Friendship with Billy Graham (Pages 1-24) - 193pp

02/27/2024 (78 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 284-314; Kindle)
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 81-85) - 153pp
Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity (Pages 1-13; Kindle) - 289pp
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 124-165) - 289pp

02/26/2024 (123 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 242-283; Kindle) - 314pp
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 241-250) - 268pp
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 191-197) - 212pp
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 68-123) - 289pp

02/25/2024 (65 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 194-241; Kindle) - 314pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 35-40) - 126pp - $8
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 57-67) - 289pp

02/24/2024 (56 pages)
Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life (Pages 1-56) - 289pp

02/23/2024 (87 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 151-193; Kindle) - 314pp
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 210-225) - 268pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 29-34) - 126pp - $8
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 174-190) - 212pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 75-79) - 184pp

02/22/2024 (70 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 109-150; Kindle) - 314pp
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 70-80) - 153pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 19-28) - 126pp - $8
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 68-74) - 184pp

02/21/2024 (101 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 68-108; Kindle) - 314pp
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 200-209) - 268pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 13-18) - 126pp - $8
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages 21-51) - 218pp - $8
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 55-67) - 184pp

02/20/2024 (113 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (Pages 29-67; Kindle) - 314pp
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 186-199) - 268pp
Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 336-359)
Playing Through the Pain: Ken Caminiti and the Steroids Confession That Changed Baseball Forever (Pages 1-13) - 369pp
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages 7-20) - 218pp - $8
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 46-54) - 184pp

02/19/2024  (76 pages)
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (13 pages, 1-28; Kindle) - 314pp
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 171-185) - 268pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 30-45) - 184pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 13-16) - 101pp

02/18/2024 (102 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 149-170) - 268pp
Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 290-335) - 359pp
Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were (Pages 1-12) - 126pp - $8
Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story (Pages xiii-xxii, 1-6) - 218pp - $8
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 7-12) - 101pp

02/17/2024 (60 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 119-148) - 268pp
Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 260-289) - 359pp

02/16/2024 (101 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 103-118) - 268pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 264-277; Kindle)
Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 232-259) - 359pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 378-420; Kindle)

02/15/2024 (143 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 86-102) - 268pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 213-263; Kindle)
Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates (Pages 161-231) - 359pp
When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906 (Pages 26-29) - 184pp

02/14/2024 (84 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 72-85) - 268pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 172-213; Kindle)
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 149-173) - 212pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 4-6) - 101pp

02/13/2024 (69 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 52-71) - 268pp
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 65-69) - 153pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 128-171; Kindle)

02/12/2024 (116 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 28-51) - 268pp
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 256-274)
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 87-127; Kindle)
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 132-148) - 212pp
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 171-182) - 224pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 1-3) - 101pp

02/11/2024 (85 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 235-255) - 274pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 44-86; Kindle)
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages 14-34) - 104pp

02/10/2024 (111 pages)
Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance (Pages 1-27) - 268pp
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 219-234) - 274pp
Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story (Pages 1-43; Kindle)
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 123-131) - 212pp
The Joy of Keeping Score (Pages v-vii, 1-13) - 104pp

02/09/2024 (50 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 199-218) - 274pp
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 106-122) - 212pp
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 157-170) - 224pp

02/08/2024 (78 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 185-198) - 274pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 322-377; Kindle)
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 98-105) - 212pp

02/07/2024 (62 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 165-184) - 274pp
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 68-97) - 212pp
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 145-156) - 224pp

02/06/2024 (108 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 141-164) - 274pp
How to Be Like Mike: Life Lessons about Basketball's Best (Pages xi-xxxiii, 1-9) - 318pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 284-321; Kindle)
The Professional Mascot Handbook (Pages 141-144) - 224pp
Waco Rising:  David Koresh, The FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias (Pages 248-257)

02/05/2024 (120 pages)
From Cairo to Christ: How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others (Page 187-193)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 120-140) - 274pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 249-283; Kindle)
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 22-67) - 212pp
The Characters of Christmas:  The Unlikely People Caught Up in the Story of Jesus (Pages 169-174, 179)
Waco Rising:  David Koresh, The FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias (Pages 244-247) - 257pp

02/04/2024 (36 pages)
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 107-119) - 274pp
Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree (Pages 7-21) - 212pp
You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity (Pages 9-16) - 232pp

02/03/2024 (11 pages)
Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World (Pages 54-64) - 153pp

02/02/2024 (76 pages)
From Cairo to Christ: How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others (Page 165-186) - 193pp 
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 99-106) - 274pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 211-248; Kindle)
The Characters of Christmas:  The Unlikely People Caught Up in the Story of Jesus (Pages 161-168) - 179pp

02/01/2024 (83 pages)
From Cairo to Christ: How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others (Page 149-164) - 193pp 
Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World (Pages 77-98) - 274pp
Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II (Pages 173-210; Kindle)
Waco Rising:  David Koresh, The FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias (Pages 237-243) - 257pp