September 25 - October 24 - 22.42 miles running - 7.807 miles walking - 55.213 miles walking (Apple Health) - 0 miles cycling (using 9 miles = 30 minutes) - 53,183 meters rowing - 759 minutes elliptical (23 of 30 days) - 176,699 steps
September 25 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 400 calories; 6,116 strides) - 2.57 miles walking at Knox Junior High track (40:04.26 / 15:35) - 14:26 rowing for 3,018 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 1.53 miles walking (Apple Health) - 8,338 steps
September 26 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 388 calories; 5,940 strides) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,436 steps
September 27 (Friday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,659 steps
September 28 (Saturday) - 3.6 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,945 steps
September 29 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,018 strides) - 24:03 rowing for 5,016 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 3 miles running at Memorial Park with Waverly (33:03.09 / 11:01) - 1.9 miles walking (Apple Health) - 8,874 steps
September 30 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,026 strides) - 23:54 rowing for 5,014 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:21/500m) - 0.85 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,137 steps
October 1 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,026 strides) - 2.41 miles walking in Springwoods Village (38:28.58 / 15:58) - 1.19 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,323 steps
October 2 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,018 strides) - 23:53 rowing for 5,019 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,059 steps
October 3 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 388 calories; 5,904 strides) - 24:07 rowing for 5,023 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health) - 4,568 steps
October 4 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 401 calories; 5,866 strides) - 2.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,612 steps
October 5 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles running at 23rd annual Husky Hustle 5K (29:26.36) - 2,1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 9,777 steps
October 6 (Sunday) - 3.1 miles running at TWRC Sunday Night 5K (32:17.82) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health) - 8,844 steps
October 7 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,792 strides) - 24:09 rowing for 5,017 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:20/500m) - 2.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,326 steps
October 8 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 389 calories; 5,934 strides) - 23:35 rowing for 5,011 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:18/500m) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health) - 2,450 steps
October 9 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 387 calories; 5,894 strides) - 2.827 miles walking at Knox Junior High track (43:43.11 / 15:28) - 1.073 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,951 steps
October 10 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 396 calories; 6,044 strides) - 2.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 4,688 steps
October 11 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 391 calories; 5,968 strides) - 0.7 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,687 steps
October 12 (Saturday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 390 calories; 5,974 strides) - 2.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,442 steps
October 13 (Sunday) - 7.03 miles running around the BCS Oktoberfest Half Marathon course - 2.97 miles walking (Apple Health) - 17,914 steps
October 14 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 395 calories; 6,036 strides) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,956 steps
October 15 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 392 calories; 5,984 strides) - 24:43 rowing for 5,023 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:22/500m) - 0.98 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,219 steps
October 16 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 392 calories; 5,982 strides) - 24:13 rowing for 5,017 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:20/500m) - 0.61 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,483 steps
October 17 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,401 steps
October 18 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 390 calories; 5,944 strides) - 23:46 rowing for 5,011 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:18/500m) - 2.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,406 steps
October 19 (Saturday) - 3.19 miles running the Shiitake 5K, Madisonville (29:01.36) - 3.7 miles walking (Apple Health) - 12,954 steps
October 20 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 395 calories; 6,042 strides) - 3 miles running at Memorial Park with Waverly - 2.5 miles walking (Apple Health) - 10,013 steps
October 21 (Monday) - 3.5 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,535 steps
October 22 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 386 calories; 5,880 strides) - 3.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 8,122 steps
October 23 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 387 calories; 5,888 strides) - 0.61 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,516 steps
October 24 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 387 calories; 5,894 strides) - 23:20 rowing for 5,014 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:18/500m) - 0.9 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,064 steps
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