Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Daily Reading Efforts - December 2024

12/31/2024 (66 pages)
Aloha Rodeo: Three Hawaiian Cowboys, the World's Greatest Rodeo, and a Hidden History of the American West (Pages 1-25) - 224pp
Confessions of a Baseball Purist: What's Right--and Wrong--with Baseball, as Seen from the Best Seat in the House (Pages 57-66) - 255pp
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 88-90) - 221pp
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 156-183; Kindle) - 278pp

12/30/2024 (59 pages)
Confessions of a Baseball Purist: What's Right--and Wrong--with Baseball, as Seen from the Best Seat in the House (Pages 49-56) - 255pp
One Final Pass: 15 Years Late (Pages 17-32) - 199pp
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 129-155; Kindle) - 278pp
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 125-132) - 199pp

12/29/2024 (81 pages)
Confessions of a Baseball Purist: What's Right--and Wrong--with Baseball, as Seen from the Best Seat in the House (Pages 38-48) - 255pp
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 68-87) - 221pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 108-129) - 210pp
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 101-128; Kindle) - 278pp

12/28/2024 (21 pages)
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 104-124) - 199pp

12/27/2024 (92 pages)
Confessions of a Baseball Purist: What's Right--and Wrong--with Baseball, as Seen from the Best Seat in the House (Pages 25-37) - 255pp
One Final Pass: 15 Years Late (Pages 3-16) - 199pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 92-107) - 210pp
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 72-100; Kindle) - 278pp
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 84-103) - 199pp

12/26/2024 (95 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 178-185)
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 44-67) - 221pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 77-91) - 210pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 222-241)
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 44-71; Kindle) - 278pp

12/25/2024 (7 pages)
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 77-83) - 199pp

12/24/2024 (57 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 171-177) - 185pp
Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder (Pages 8-36; Kindle) - 211pp
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 57-76) - 199pp

12/23/2024 (39 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 158-170) - 185pp
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 18-43; Kindle) - 278pp

12/22/2024 (43 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 150-157) - 185pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 251-262; Kindle)
The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet (Pages 1-17; Kindle) - 278pp
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 51-56) - 199pp

12/21/2024 (14 pages)
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 208-221) - 241pp

12/20/2024 (69 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 139-149) - 185pp
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 40-43) - 221pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 213-250; Kindle)
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 192-207) - 241pp

12/19/2024 (45 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 130-138) - 185pp
Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder (Pages 1-7; Kindle) - 211pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 63-76) - 210pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 177-191) - 241pp

12/18/2024 (76 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 117-129) - 185pp
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 33-39) - 221pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 175-212; Kindle)
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 159-176) - 241pp

12/17/2024 (62 pages)
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 114-116) - 185pp
Lattin's Slam Dunk to Glory: The Amazing True Story of the 1966 NCAA Season and the Championship Game that Changed America Forever (Pages 9-32) - 221pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 140-174; Kindle)

12/16/2024 (136 pages)
Chamique: On Family, Focus, and Basketball (Pages 42-53) - 189pp
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 100-113) - 185pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 106-139; Kindle)
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 57-62) - 210pp
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages 51-68) - 192pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 149-158) - 241pp
Unmasked:  Real People from Montgomery County, Texas (Pages 9-50) - 199pp

12/15/2024 (83 pages)
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 206-209; Kindle)  
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 90-99) - 185pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 72-105; Kindle)
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 128-148) - 241pp
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 134-147)

12/14/2024 (38 pages)
Confessions of a Baseball Purist: What's Right--and Wrong--with Baseball, as Seen from the Best Seat in the House (Acknowledgements, Pages 11-24) - 255pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 106-127) - 241pp

12/13/2024 (123 pages)
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 170-205; Kindle)  
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 79-89) - 185pp
One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan (Pages 150-163)
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 43-56) - 210pp
The Art of Neighboring (Pages 9-26) - 184pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 90-105) - 241pp
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 120-133) - 147pp

12/12/2024 (93 pages)
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 133-169; Kindle)  
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 64-78) - 185pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 79-89) - 241pp
When the Kings Come Marching In: Isaiah and the New Jerusalem (Pages vii-xi, 1-25) - 131pp

12/11/2024 (128 pages)
A Texan Looks At Lyndon:  A Study in Illegitimate Power (Pages 19-30) - 254pp
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 96-132; Kindle)  
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 57-63) - 185pp
One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan (Pages 100-149) - 163pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 57-78) - 241pp

12/10/2024 (121 pages)
Big Play:  Barra on Football (Pages xiii-xviii, 1) - 281pp
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 61-95; Kindle)  
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 49-56) - 185pp
One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan (Pages 63-99) - 163pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 31-42) - 210pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 35-56) - 241pp

12/9/2024 (130 pages)
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages 29-60; Kindle)  
One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan (Pages 22-62) - 163pp
Slam Dunk 2: Winning Players Talk About Basketball, Family, and Faith (Pages 9-30) - 210pp
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages 44-50) - 192pp
The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist (Pages 11-34) - 241pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 182-185)

12/8/2024 (33 pages)
One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan (10 pages plus Pages 1-21) - 163pp
The Temple of Jerusalem (Pages 11-12) - 107pp

12/7/2024 - Nothing

12/6/2024 (48 pages)
Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation (Pages vii, 1-28; Kindle)  
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages 39-43) - 192pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 168-181) - 185pp

12/5/2024 (74 pages)
Chamique: On Family, Focus, and Basketball (Pages 35-41) - 189pp
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 32-48) - 185pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 41-71; Kindle)
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages 27-38) - 192pp
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 111-119) - 147pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 151-167) - 185pp

12/4/2024 (83 pages)
A Texan Looks At Lyndon:  A Study in Illegitimate Power (Pages 5-18) - 254pp
Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War (Pages 7-40; Kindle)
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 169-192)
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 140-150) - 185pp

12/3/2024 (70 pages)
Entering The Promised Land (Pages 72-82) - 149pp
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 85-110) - 147pp
The King and the Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and Edward the Seventh, Secret Partners (Pages 47-61) - 228pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 163-168) - 192pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 128-139) - 185pp

12/2/2024 (82 pages)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 225-249, 251-253, 277; Kindle)
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 53-84) - 147pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 107-127) - 185pp

12/1/2024 (96 pages)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 198-224; Kindle)
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 161-188)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 172-180)
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 148-162) - 192pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 90-106) - 185pp

From November
1643 Days:  In A Federal Prison Camp (Pages iii-viii, 1-5) - 227pp
Baseball Research Journal, Volume 53, Number 1, Spring 2024 (Pages 180-227; Kindle)
God at Ground Zero: How Good Overcame Evil, One Heart at a Time (Pages vii-xiv) - 208pp
People of Memorial Park:  Stories From Houston's Favorite Trail (Pages 88-96) - 162pp
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 148-160) - 188pp
unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation (Page 36) - 188pp
When Baseball Was Baseball (Pages 121-141; Kindle) - 356pp

From October
Ascending the Ladder: 9 Biblical Lessons for Reaching Your Career Goals and Thriving at Work (Pages 9-40; Kindle)
Chronicle of a Small Town (Pages ix-x, 3-7) - 175pp
Fastpitch:  The Untold History of Softball and the Women Who Made The Game (Pages 64-72) - 289pp

From September
The Jonathan Effect:  Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty (Pages 64-77) - 184pp

From August
And Then the End will Come: The Completion of the Great Commission and Nine other Clues That Jesus is Coming Soon (Pages 18-38) - 225pp
Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras:  A History of Blaxploitation Cinema (Pages 135-156; Kindle) - 296pp
When The News Went Live:  Dallas 1963 (Pages vii-xvi) - 197pp

From July
Know Your Bible (Pages 15-16) - 95pp
Not Some Random Clown:  A Youth Football Coaching Legend's Rise To Glory (Pages 2-44; Kindle) - 146pp
Sacred Smallness: Finding Kingdom Greatness in a Fruitful, Hidden Life (Pages 54-58; Kindle) - 210pp
Saturdays with Billy: My Friendship with Billy Graham (Pages 123-131) - 193pp (Billy's Hope)
Willie: The Game-Changing Story of the NHL's First Black Player (Pages 1-12) - 241pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 35-36) - 101pp

From June
The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem (Pages 9-20) - 137pp

From May
Rejoice Always:  Practical Notes In The Book Of Philippians (Pages 1-39) - 135pp
Sox Bid Curse Farewell:  The 2004 Boston Red Sox (Pages 29-44 (803); Kindle)
The Greatest Game Ever Played (Pages 10-13) - 163pp
The Race Before Us:  A Journey of Running and Faith (Pages 9-23) - 210pp

From April
Angels in the Realms of Heaven: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today (Dancing with Angels) (Pages 19-20; Kindle)
Bat 6 (Pages 1-18 plus Author's Note) - 229pp
Hiroshima (Pages 1-9) - 153pp
Jesus Or Nothing (Pages 43-56) - 129pp

Movies Seen in Theaters in 2024 - 46

"A Quiet Place:  Day One", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 18)
"Absolution", Regal Lone Star 19, Tomball, TX (November 11)
"Arcadian", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (April 13)***
"Arthur The King", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 17)***
"Bad Boys: Ride or Die", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 16)

"Blink Twice", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (August 29)***
"Bob Marley:  One Love", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (February 22)*
"Boy Kills World", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (April 26)
"Civil War", Regal Lone Star 19, Tomball, TX (June 12)
"Conclave", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (November 12)**

"Coup!", Regal Lone Star 19, Tomball, TX (August 3)
"Daddio", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 21)*
"Despicable Me 4", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 17)
"Drugstore June", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 5)*
"Ghostbusters:  Frozen Empire", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 26)

"Harold and the Purple Crayon", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (August 6)*
"Homestead", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 31)
"I.S.S.", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (January 31)*
"If", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (June 11)*
"Inside Out 2", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (June 18)
"Knox Goes Away", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 18)

"Kung Fu Panda 4", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (May 1)*
"Latency", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (June 15)
"Mars Express", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (May 5)*
"MaXXXine", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 14)
"Mean Girls", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (February 4)*
"Moana 2", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 18)*

"My Old Ass", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (October 1)*
"Notice to Quit", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (October 3)*
"Ordinary Angels", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 4)**
"Red One", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 2)***
"Scrambled", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (February 1)*

"Some Other Woman", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (January 4)*
"The American Society of Magical Negroes", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (March 20)*
"The Beekeeper", Regal Lone Star 19, Tomball, TX (February 10)
"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 11)***
"The Fabulous Four," Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 29)*
"The Fall Guy," Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (May 2)

"The Garfield Movie", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (June 13)*
"The Order", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 12)*
"Trap", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (August 1)
"Tuesday", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (June 17)*
"Twisters", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (July 24)
"Venom:  The Last Dance", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 4)***
"Wonka", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (February 25)*
"Y2K", Regal Benders Landing, Spring, TX (December 15)*

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Churches Attended and Visited in 2024

January 7 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Greg Matte)
January 14 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly (Brad Talbert)
January 21, 28 - Absent
February 4 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Jarret Garber)
February 11, 18, 25 - Absent
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 - Absent
April 7, 14, 21 - Absent
April 28 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly* (Brad Talbert)
May 5, 12, 19, 26 - Absent
June 2 - Absent
June 9 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly* (Brad Talbert)
June 16 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church 11 a.m. and The5  with Waverly* (Greg Matte) 
June 23 - Visited First Baptist Church Conroe (Jeff Berger)
June 30 - Absent
July 7 - Absent
July 14 - Absent
July 21 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert)
July 28 - Watched Houston's First Baptist Church The5 online (Steve Trammell)
August 4 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Greg Matte)
August 11 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly (Dr. Garry Blackmon, Senior Pastor, Crossway Christian Fellowship, Houston, TX)
August 18 - Watched Houston's First Baptist Church The5 online (Ben Stuart, DC City Pastor, Passion City Church, Washington, DC)
August 25 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Hosea
September 1 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly* (Brandon Ayers) - Joel
September 8 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Amos
September 15 - Watched Houston's First Baptist Church The5 online due to traffic (Brad Talbert) - Obadiah
September 22 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly* (Brad Talbert) - Jonah
September 29 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Neil Anderson, Trinity Classical School)
October 6 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church 9:15 a.m. with Waverly (Greg Matte) - Micah
October 13 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 with Waverly (Tommie Anderson, CHARM Prison Ministry, Director of Operations) - Nahum
October 20 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Habbakuk
October 27 - Absent
November 3 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Zephaniah
November 10 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Haggai 
November 17 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Greg Matte) - Zechariah
November 24 - Absent
December 1 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) 
December 8 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Steve Trammell) - Heavenly Christmas
December 15 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brad Talbert) - Heavenly Christmas
December 22 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church 9:15 a.m. (Greg Matte) - Heavenly Christmas 
December 24 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church 5 pm (Greg Matte) - Christmas Eve
December 29 - Visited Houston's First Baptist Church The5 (Brian McCormack, Executive Director, Breakaway Minstries, Texas A&M University)

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn't Exist

When You Believe in God but Don't Really Know Him
When You Believe in God but Are Ashamed of Your Past
When You Believe in God but Aren't Sure He Loves You
When You Believe in God but Not in Prayer
When You Believe in God but Don't Think He's Fair
When You Believe in God but Won't Forgive
When You Believe in God but Don't Think You Can Change
When You Believe in God but Still Worry All the Time
When You Believe in God but Pursue Happiness at Any Cost
When You Believe in God but Trust More in Money
When You Believe in God but Don't Share Your Faith
When You Believe in God but Not in His Church

Books Read in 2024 - 137 (94 Regular / 43 Kindle / 0 Internet Archive)

"The Fireballer:  A Novel" by Mark Stevens (Finished January 1) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"On That Day, Everybody Ate: One Woman's Story of Hope and Possibility in Haiti" by Margaret Trost (Finished January 1) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"The Victory Season: The End of World War II and the Birth of Baseball's Golden Age" by Robert Weintraub (Finished January 4) - Kindle via Amazon
"Seek Him First: How to Hear from God, Walk in His Will, and Change Your World" by Jennifer Hayes Yates (Finished January 4) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Preachers N Sneakers: Authenticity in an Age of For-Profit Faith and (Wannabe) Celebrities" by Ben Kirby (Finished January 5) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet

"The Longest Race: Inside the Secret World of Abuse, Doping, and Deception on Nike's Elite Running Team" by Kara Goucher and Mary Pilon (Finished January 6) - Barnes and Noble The Woodlands (Ironman Gift Card)
"Believe: My Faith and the Tackle That Changed My Life" by Eric LeGrand with Mike Yorkey (Finished January 8) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"The Stories We Tell:  Every Piece of Your Story Matters" by Joanna Gaines (Finished January 13) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Leave Tomorrow: My Ride to the Bottom of the World" by Dirk Weisiger (Finished January 13) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Our Walls:  Life as an Endurance Athlete" by Dana-Susan Crews (Finished January 15) - Amazon

"Dale Brown Court ... and the Battle for Human Dignity" by Trent Angers (Finished January 16) - Barnes and Noble Lafayette
"Winning Fixes Everything: How Baseball's Brightest Minds Created Sports' Biggest Mess" by Evan Drellich (Finished January 17) - Barnes and Noble The Woodlands
"Saving Sadie: How a Dog That No One Wanted Inspired the World" by Joel Derse Dauer with Elizabeth Ridley (Finished January 25) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Demanding Liberty: An Untold Story of American Religious Freedom" by Brandon J. O'Brien (Finished January 28) - ChristianBook.com
"Taken at Birth: Stolen Babies, Hidden Lies, and My Journey to Finding Home" by Jane Blasio (Finished January 29) - ChristianBook.com

"From Cairo to Christ: How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others" by Abu Atallah and Kent A. Van Til (Finished February 5) - ChristianBook.com 
"The Characters of Christmas:  The Unlikely People Caught Up in the Story of Jesus" by Daniel Darling (Finished February 5) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands
"Waco Rising:  David Koresh, The FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias" by Kevin Cook (Finished February 6) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands
"Good For A Girl:  A Woman Running in a Man's World" by Lauren Fleshman (Finished February 12) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands
"Grinders Find A Way: A Runner's Story" by Matt Balleza (Finished February 16) - Kindle via Amazon.com

"Operation Underworld:  How the Mafia and U.S. Government Teamed Up to Win World War II" by Matthew Black (Finished February 16) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Kiss It Good-Bye:  The Mystery, the Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates" by John Moody (Finished February 20) - Personal Collection
"Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell?" by Horace Greasley and Ken Scott (Finished February 27) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Hi Mom, Send Sheep: My Life as the Coyote and After" by Tim Derk (Finished March 5) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Driving The Green Book:  A Road Trip Through The Living History of Black Resistance" by Alvin Hall (Finished March 5) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands

"Racism in the Church: Kill the Root, Destroy the Tree" by Kenneth Copeland (Finished March 6) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Revelation: A Memoir of Deep Family Secrets, Discovery, and Identity" by Richard Gary Kaye and Annette Schwartz Kaye (Finished March 8) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Tom Seaver:  A Terrific Life" by Bill Madden (Finished March 11) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands
"How Hockey Saved My World:  An off-beat family memoir" by Alex Charns (Finished March 12) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"The Joy of Keeping Score: How Scoring the Game Has Influenced and Enhanced the History of Baseball" by Paul Dickson (Finished March 13) - Personal Collection

"When Chicago Ruled Baseball:  The Cubs-White Sox World Series of 1906" by Bernard A. Weisberger (Finished March 13) - Recycled Books, Records, & CDs, Denton
"The Professional Mascot Handbook" by Karen Ahearn & Art Ballant (Finished March 13) - Personal Collection
"Playing Ball with the Boys: The Rise of Women in the World of Men's Sports" by Betsy M. Ross (Finished March 17) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Why Football Matters:  My Education In The Game" by Mark Edmundson (Finished March 24) - Half Price Books
"Punched In The Mouth: The Inner Game of Overcoming Adversity" by Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher (Finished March 27) - Kindie via Amazon.com

"One Yard Short:  Turning Your Defeats Into Victories" by Les Steckel with Rob Suggs (Finished March 28) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"All The Way:  My Life in Four Quarters" by Joe Namath with Sean Mortimer and Don Yaeger (Finished April 2) - Books-A-Million Longview
"Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World" by Leroy Barber (Finished April 3) - Christianbook.com
"First Dooowwwnnn . . . and Life to Go!: How an Enthusiastic Approach Changed Everything for the Most Colorful Referee in NFL History" by Red Cashion with Rusty Burson (Finished April 5) - Half Price Books College Station
"1842" by Koby L. Bowie (Finished April 6) - Kindle via Amazon.com

"Living The Dream" by Dot Richardson with Don Yaeger (Finished April 8) - Friends of Houston Public Library
"The Havana Run:  A Short Story" by Ace Atkins (Finished April 8) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Fifty-Nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had" by Edward Achorn (Finished April 8) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Baseball and Black Gold: Tulsa's Love Affair with America's National Pastime" by Elven Lindblad (Finished April 8) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Rookie: When Michael Jordan Came To The Minor Leagues" by Jim Patton (Finished April 10) - Half Price Books College Station

"Surprise the World!:  The Five Habits of Highly Missional People" by Michael Frost (Finished April 13) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Invisible Men:  Life In Baseball's Negro Leagues" by Donn Rogosin (Finished April 13) - Personal Collection
"I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis" by Jeremy K. Everett (Finished April 15) - Christianbook.com
"Not Tonight, Josephine:  A Road Trip Through Small-Town America" by George Mahood (Finished April 17) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Evidence of the Affair" by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Finished April 18) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading

“Bases Loaded: The Inside Story of the Steroid Era in Baseball by the Central Figure in the Mitchell Report” by Kirk Radomski with David Fisher (Finished April 20) - Friends of Houston Public Library
"The Once and Future Liberal:  After Identity Politics" by Mark Lilla (Finished April 20) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet 
"Never Lie" by Freida McFadden (Finished April 24) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"If These Walls Could Talk:  Stories from the Boston Red Sox Dugout, Locker Room, and Press Box" by Jerry Remy and Nick Cafardo (Finished April 30) - South Montgomery County Friends of the Library
"Three Finger:  The Mordecai Brown Story" by Cindy Thomson and Scott Brown (Finished April 30) - Kaboom Books

"Playing For Freedom:  The Journey Of A Young Afghan Girl" by Zarifa Adiba and Anne Cahon (Finished May 1) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Training a Tiger: A Father's Guide to Raising a Winner in Both Golf and Life" by Earl Woods with Pete McDaniel (Finished May 1) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet 
"Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big" by Jose Canseco (Finished May 3) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"No Easy Game: His own story in his own words" by Terry Bradshaw with Charles Paul Conn (Finished May 4) - Half Price Books College Station
"Just Don't Quit:  Inspiration To Fulfill Your God-Sized Dream" by Joan Hunter (Finished May 4) - Kindle via Amazon and Bookbub

"My Name Is Selma: The Remarkable Memoir of a Jewish Resistance Fighter and Ravensbrück Survivor" by Selma Van De Perre (Finished May 11) - Kindle via Amazon and Bookbub
"Man In The Middle" by John Amaechi with Chris Bull (Finished May 12) - Friends of Houston Public Library
"Funeral Daze (The Danny Teakwell Series)" by Dorian Box (Finished May 19) - Kindle via Amazon
"Journey to Excellence:  The Story of My Life and Faith" by Ken Johnson (Finished May 24) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet
"Girls of Summer: The Real Story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League" by Lois Browne (Finished May 26) - Half Price Books Mansfield

"The Perfect Marriage: a completely gripping psychological suspense" by Jeneva Rose (Finished May 27) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading
"Ross Youngs:  In Search of a San Antonio Baseball Legend" by David King (Finished May 27) - Amazon
"The Fifth Risk" by Michael Lewis (Finished June 2) - Barnes & Noble - The Woodlands
"Baseball's Natural:  The Story of Eddie Waitkus" by John Theodore (Finished June 2) - South Montgomery County Friends of the Library
"Three Ordinary Girls: The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins--and WWII Heroes" by Tim Brady (Finished June 4) - Kindle via Amazon Prime Reading

"A Thousand Miles To Freedom:  My Escape From North Korea" by Eunsun Kim and Sebastien Falletti (Finished June 9) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"A Good Day To Die:  What 276 executions taught a death row chaplain about life" by Carina Bergfeldt (Finished June 17) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Kim Zmeskal: Determination to Win - A Biography" by Krista Quiner (Finished June 17) - Half Price Books Mansfield
"Letters From Lefty:  The Houston Astros:  The Way They Were" by Mickey Herskowitz (Finished June 18) - Kaboom Books / Houston
"Embedded Balls" by Peter Jacobsen and Jack Sheehan (Finished June 23) - Half Price Books Waco Outlet

"Faith on the Road: A Short Theology of Travel and Justice" by Joerg Rieger (Finished June 23) - Christianbooks.com
"Friday Night Lies:  The Bishop Sycamore Story" by Andrew King and Ben Ferree (Finished June 24) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Homeseekers, Parasites, And The Texas Midland:  The Texas League in Paris 1896-1904" by Kris Rutherford (Finished June 25) - Amazon.com
"Shattering The Glass:  The Remarkable History of Women's Basketball" by Pamela Grundy & Susan Shackelford (Finished June 27) - Half Price Books Arlington South Cooper
"Men of Spirit, Men of Sports" by Wally Carew (Finished July 2) - Friends of Houston Public Library

"The John Carlos Story: The Sports Moment That Changed the World" by John Carlos with Dave Zirin (Finished July 2) - Half Price Books Round Rock
"The View From Flyover Country:  Dispatches From The Forgotten America" by Sarah Kendzior (Finished July 7) - Barnes & Noble - The Woodlands
"AMON! The Ultimate Texan: The Amon Carter Story" by Dave Leiber (Finished July 8) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Papa Joe:  A Life On The Court" by Anthony Head (Finished July 9) - Amazon.com
"Baseball Maverick: How Sandy Alderson Revolutionized Baseball and Revived the Mets" by Steve Kettmann (Finished July 12) - Kindle via Amazon.com

"Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond the Hashtags of Race, Crime & Politics for a Better America" by Sheriff David Clarke Jr. with Nancy French (Finished July 16) - Christianbook.com
"Mark McGwire: Home Run Hero" by Rob Rains (Finished July 16) - Oh Goodie A Book
"My Life in and out of the Rough: The Truth Behind All That Bull**** You Think You Know About Me" by John Daly with Glen Waggoner (Finished July 28) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Last Time Out: Big League Farewells of Baseball's Greats" by John Nogowski (Finished July 29) - Half Price Books Humble
"I Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story" by Rick Bragg (Finished July 30) - Beaumont Second & Charles

"Something in the Air: American Passion and Defiance in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics" by Richard Hoffer (Finished August 4) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts (Vol. 3)" edited by Joanne Hulbert and Jay Hurd (Finished August 4) - Society for American Baseball Research
"A Game of Extremes: 25 Exceptional Baseball Stories about What Happened on and off the Field" by Roy Lingster (Finished August 5) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Drunk on Sports" by Tim Cowlishaw (Finished August 8) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Branch Rickey: A Penguin Life" by Jimmy Breslin (Finished August 8) - Beaumont Second & Charles

"Believing in Magic: My Story of Love, Overcoming Adversity, and Keeping the Faith" by Cookie Johnson with Denene Miller (Finished August 19) - Beaumont Second & Charles
"Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta" by Richard Grant (Finished August 20) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for Justice for the USS Indianapolis" by Pete Nelson (Finished August 20) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Angels on the Bonfire" by Pamela S. Freni (Finished August 23) - San Antonio Hwy 281 Half Price Books
"Color Blind: The Forgotten Team That Broke Baseball's Color Line" by Tom Dunkel (Finished August 27) - Round Rock Half Price Books

"The Last Miracle: My 18-Year Journey with the Amazin' New York Mets" by Ed Kranepool with Gary Kaschak (Finished August 28) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Safe At Home:  The True And Inspiring Story of Chicago's Field of Dreams" by Bob Muzikowski with Gregg Lewis (Finished September 2) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Ty:  The Ty Detmer Story" as told to Brenton Yorgason with Frank Hebert & Sonny Detmer (Finished September 6) - San Antonio Hwy 281 Half Price Books
"Life on the Line: Young Doctors Come of Age in a Pandemic" by Emma Goldberg (Finished September 8) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"The Bob Verga Shift: How One Man's Illness Changed History and Saved Duke Basketball" by Michael B. Layden (Finished Spetember 11) - Kindle via Amazon.com

"My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me:  A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past" by Jennifer Teege and Nikola Sellmair (Finished September 12) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Imperfect:  An Improbable Life" by Jim Abbott and Tim Brown (Finished September 18) - Humble Half Price Books
"The Second Shot:  A Green Beret's Last Mission" by Gene Yu (Finished September 18) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Forever and Ever, Amen: The Heart-Warming Stories Behind the Music of Paul Overstreet" by Paul Overstreet with Jeanne Halsey (Finished September 22) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"The Red Zone: Cars, Cows and Coaches: The Life and Good Times of a Texas Dealmaker" by Red McCombs with Mickey Herskowitz (Finished September 24) - Oh Goodie A Book

"Smith Wigglesworth: A Man Who Walked with God" by George Stormont (Finished September 30) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Behind The Rank, Volume 1" by Lila Holley (Finished October 1) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"Catch A Star:  Shining through Adversity to Become a Champion" by Tamika Catchings with Ken Petersen (Finished October 3) - Christianbook.com
"From the Inside Out: Harrowing Escapes from the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center" by Erik O. Ronningen (Finished October 4) - Kindle via Amazon.com
"Unbeatable: Notre Dame's 1988 Championship and the Last Great College Football Season" by Jerry Barca (Finished October 8) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet

"Great Moments in Pro Basketball" by Sam Goldaper (Finished October 11) - Personal Collection
"Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout: How the Timeless Wisdom of One Man Can Impact an Entire Generation" by Rick Rigsby, Ph.D. (Finished October 18) - Oh Goodie A Book
"Out At The Plate:  The Dot Wilkinson Story" by Lynn Ames (Finished October 24) - Barnes & Noble The Woodlands
"They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms" by Mike Hixenbaugh (Finished November 5) - Kindle via Amazon.com and BookBub
"First Casualty: The Untold Story of the CIA Mission to Avenge 9/11" by Toby Harnden (Finished November 5)  - Kindle via Amazon.com and BookBub

"Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story" as told to Jimmie Hand (Finished November 6) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"Dallas Public and Private" by Warren Leslie (Finished November 6) - McKinney Half Price Books
"I Never Played the Game" by Howard Cosell with Peter Bonventre (Finished November 13) - Houston Book Warehouse
"Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D. (Finished November 17) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham" by Marcia Clark (Finished November 17) - Kindle via Amazon.com Prime Reads

"Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card" by Sara Saedi (Finished November 30) - Sugar Land Half Price Books
"Roberto Clemente:  Batting King" by Arnold Hano (Finished December 1) - San Antonio Hwy 281 Half Price Books
"The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions" by RuthAnn & Rebecca Lobo (Finished December 1) - Waco Half-Price Books Outlet
"Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink" by Liz Hoffman (Finished December 2) - Kindle via Amazon.com and BookBub
"The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God" by Michael W. Smith with Robert Noland (Finished December 4) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet

"Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" by John E. O'Neill and Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. (Finished December 9) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"One Tribe at a Time: The Paper that Changed the War in Afghanistan" by Jim Gant (Finished December 13) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet
"Give Her Credit: The Untold Account of a Women's Bank That Empowered a Generation" by Grace L. Williams (Finished December 15) - Kindle via Amazon.com Prime Reads
"The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America" by Will Ford and Matt Lockett (Finished December 15) - Sugar Land Half Price Books
"Predicting Pearl Harbor:  Billy Mitchell and the Path to War" by Ronald J. Drew (Finished December 22) - Kindle via Amazon.com and BookBub

"Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity" by Timothy Dalrymple (Finished December 26) - Beaumont Second & Charles
"The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist" by Craig Groeschel (Finished December 26) - Waco Half Price Books Outlet

Books Bought at Beaumont Second & Charles on 7/13/24 -- 5 (Finished 4)

"This Voice in My Heart: A Runner's Memoir of Genocide, Faith, and Forgiveness" by Gilbert Tuhabonye and Gary Brozek ($4.65)

"Believing in Magic: My Story of Love, Overcoming Adversity, and Keeping the Faith" by Cookie Johnson ($4.95) - Finished 08/19/2024
"Branch Rickey: A Penguin Life" by Jimmy Breslin ($3.95) - Finished 08/08/2024
"I Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story" by Rick Bragg ($3) - Finished 07/30/2024
"Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity" by Timothy Dalrymple ($3) - Finished 12/26/2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Miles and Miles - 11/25/24 to 12/24/24

November 25 - December 24 - 6.49 miles running - 0 miles walking - 40.78 miles walking (Apple Health) - 0 miles cycling (using 9 miles = 30 minutes) - 82,752 meters rowing (13 of 30 days) - 728 minutes elliptical (22 of 30 days) - 109,022 steps
November 25 (Monday) - 0.57 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,298 steps
November 26 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,814 strides) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health) - 2,625 steps
November 27 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 384 calories; 5,826 strides) - 23:58 rowing for 5,019 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 0.87 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,024 steps
November 28 (Thursday) - 3.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,889 steps
November 29 (Friday) - 3.49 miles running in the Friends of the Running Community 5K - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 389 calories; 5,940 strides) - 2.81 miles walking (Apple Health) - 12,026 steps
November 30 (Saturday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 393 calories; 6,006 strides) - 23:45 rowing for 5,017 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:17/500m) - 0.63 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,621 steps
December 1 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 392 calories; 5,948 strides) - 30:01 rowing for 6,315 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 3 miles running at Memorial Park with Waverly (30:46.32) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health) - 7,612 steps
December 2 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 390 calories; 5,924 strides) - 30:03 rowing for 6,276 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:25/500m) - 0.91 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,205 steps
December 3 (Tuesday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,930 steps
December 4 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 390 calories; 5,924 strides) - 0.92 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,116 steps
December 5 (Thursday) - 35 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 428 calories; 6,338 strides) - 0.93 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,170 steps
December 6 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 397 calories; 6,096 strides) - 0.55 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,391 steps
December 7 (Saturday) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,683 steps
December 8 (Sunday) - 2.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,170 steps
December 9 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 383 calories; 5,788 strides) - 0.98 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,354 steps
December 10 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 395 calories; 6,034 strides) - 30:01 rowing for 6,289 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:21/500m) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,610 steps
December 11 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 389 calories; 5,924 strides) - 30:01 rowing for 6,239 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:18/500m) - 0.82 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,962 steps
December 12 (Thursday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,032 strides) - 29:02 rowing for 6,011 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:22/500m) - 2.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,069 steps
December 13 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 395 calories; 6,050 strides) - 30:04 rowing for 6,239 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:22/500m) - 0.83 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,970 steps
December 14 (Saturday) - 2.5 miles walking (Apple Health) - 6,081 steps
December 15 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 396 calories; 6,062 strides) - 27:56 rowing for 5,841 meters (25 strokes/min.; 2:23/500m) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,730 steps
December 16 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 389 calories; 5,956 strides) - 95-second plank - 30:03 rowing for 6,226 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:21/500m) - 0.79 miles walking (Apple Health) - 1,937 steps
December 17 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 395 calories; 6,042 strides) - 100-second plank - 30:02 rowing for 6,320 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 0.97 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,347 steps
December 18 (Wednesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 392 calories; 5,986 strides) - 30:03 rowing for 6,328 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:19/500m) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health) - 2,637 steps
December 19 (Thursday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,882 steps
December 20 (Friday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 389 calories; 5,926 strides) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health) - 2,453 steps
December 21 (Saturday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health) - 2,627 steps
December 22 (Sunday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 394 calories; 6,020 strides) - 30:03 rowing for 6,167 meters (26 strokes/min.; 2:20/500m) - 2.7 miles walking (Apple Health) - 6,640 steps
December 23 (Monday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 391 calories; 5,962 strides) - 30:01 rowing for 6,293 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:20/500m) - 2.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 5,646 steps
December 24 (Tuesday) - 33 minutes on Precor Elliptical (Weight Loss; 393 calories; 6,000 strides) - 15:04 rowing for 3,191 meters (27 strokes/min.; 2:17/500m) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 3,317 steps

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Books Bought at Sugar Land Half Price Books on 11/9/24 - 6 (Finished 2)

"1643 Days:  In A Federal Prison Camp" by Jason Sant ($3)
"God at Ground Zero: How Good Overcame Evil, One Heart at a Time" by Ray Giunta with Lynda Rutledge Stephenson ($2)
"Handbook of Denominations in the United States, 8th edition" by Frank S. Mead and Samuel S. Hill ($2)
"When the Kings Come Marching In: Isaiah and the New Jerusalem" by Richard J. Mouw ($2)

"Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card" by Sara Saedi ($2; Finished November 30)
"The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America" by Will Ford and Matt Lockett ($1; Finished December 15)

Saturday, December 14, 2024

New Restaurants in 2024 - 4

Caffe Capri, Bryan, TX (December 14)
Galileo's Mexican Grill, Bellville, TX (February 26)
Jimmy Changas, Katy, TX (January 19)
Walker's Cafe, Madisonville, TX (October 19)

Monday, December 2, 2024

Books Bought at Waco Half-Price Books Outlet on 3/25/23 - 10 (Finished 5)

"A Father First: How My Life Became Bigger Than Basketball", by Dwayne Wade
"A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring", by John Wooden with Don Yeager
"Running with the Buffaloes", by Chris Lear
"The Theology of the Hammer", by Millard Fuller
"The Worth of a Man", by Dave Dravecky with Connie W. Neal

"Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big", by Jose Canseco (Finished 5/3/24)
"Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys", by David Magee (Finished 4/9/23)
"The GM: The Inside Story of a Dream Job and the Nightmares that Go with It", by Tom Callahan (Finished 4/21/23)
"The Home Team: Of Mothers, Daughters, and American Champions", by Ruth Ann & Rebecca Lobo (Finished 12/1/24)
"Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World's Deadliest Jobs", by Andy and Johnathan Hillstrand with Malcolm MacPherson (Finished 4/29/23)

Books Bought at San Antonio Hwy 281 Half Price Books on 8/10/24 - 3 (Finished 3)

"Angels on the Bonfire" by Pamela Freni ($5.99) - Finished 08/23/2024
"Roberto Clemente: Batting King" by Arnold Hano ($3.00) - Finished 12/01/2024
"Ty the Ty Detmer Story" by Brenton Yorgason with Frank Herbert & Sonny Detmer ($4.99) - Finished 09/07/2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Daily Reading Efforts - November 2024

11/30/2024 (83 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 280-291)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 166-197; Kindle)
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 148-160) - 188pp
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 164-171) - 180pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 72-89) - 185pp

11/29/2024 (28 pages)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 138-165; Kindle)

11/28/2024 - Nothing

11/27/2024 (38 pages)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 110-137; Kindle)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 154-163) - 180pp

11/26/2024 (86 pages)
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 79-109; Kindle)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 143-153) - 180pp
The King and the Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and Edward the Seventh, Secret Partners (Pages 38-46) - 228pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 37-71) - 185pp

11/25/2024 (10 pages)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 133-142) - 180pp

11/24/2024 (1 page)
unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation (Page 36) - 188pp

11/23/2024 (41 pages)
unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation (Pages vii-xii, 1-35) - 188pp

11/22/2024 (58 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 258-279) - 291pp
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 52-78; Kindle)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 124-132) - 180pp

11/21/2024 (70 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 241-257) - 291pp
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages 24-51; Kindle)
The Home Team Of Mothers, Daughters & American Champions (Pages 111-123) - 180pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 25-36) - 185pp

11/20/2024 (73 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 227-240) - 291pp
Crash Landing: The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink (Pages xi-xxi, 3-23; Kindle)
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 142-147) - 188pp
The King and the Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and Edward the Seventh, Secret Partners (Pages 25-37) - 228pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 4-24) - 185pp

11/19/2024 (92 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 203-226) - 291pp
Baseball Research Journal, Volume 53, Number 1, Spring 2024 (Pages 180-227; Kindle)
The King and the Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and Edward the Seventh, Secret Partners (Pages 12-24) - 228pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 141-147) - 192pp

11/18/2024 (111 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 192-202) - 291pp
Baseball Research Journal, Volume 53, Number 1, Spring 2024 (Pages 129-179; Kindle)
The King and the Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and Edward the Seventh, Secret Partners (Pages xi, 3-11) - 228pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 115-140) - 192pp
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Pages 1-3) - 185pp

11/17/2024 (88 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 170-191) - 291pp
Baseball Research Journal, Volume 53, Number 1, Spring 2024 (Pages 87-128; Kindle)
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 199-214)
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 254-258, 269-271; Kindle)

11/16/2024 (54 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 154-169) - 291pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 192-198) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 223-253; Kindle)

11/15/2024 (61 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 139-153) - 291pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 176-191) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 193-222; Kindle)

11/14/2024 (91 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 101-138) - 291pp
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 137-141) - 188pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 155-175) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 166-192; Kindle)

11/13/2024 (61 pages)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 367-380)
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 137-154) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 137-165; Kindle)

11/12/2024 (95 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 82-100) - 291pp
God at Ground Zero: How Good Overcame Evil, One Heart at a Time (Pages vii-xiv) - 208pp
I Never Played the Game (Pages 356-366) - 380pp
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 129-136) - 188pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 124-136) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 111-136; Kindle)

11/11/2024 (54 pages)
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 41-81) - 291pp
I Never Played the Game (Pages 352-355) - 380pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 115-123) - 214pp

11/10/2024 (138 pages)
1643 Days:  In A Federal Prison Camp (Pages iii-viii, 1-5) - 227pp
Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card (Pages 1-40) - 291pp
I Never Played the Game (Pages 340-351) - 380pp
People of Memorial Park:  Stories From Houston's Favorite Trail (Pages 88-96) - 162pp
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 30-52) - 147pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 100-114) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 83-110; Kindle)

11/9/2024 (15 pages)
The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being Fulfilled to Heal Racism in America (Pages 15-29) - 147pp

11/8/2024 (48 pages)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 328-339) - 380pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 90-99) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 57-82; Kindle)

11/7/2024 (64 pages)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 321-327) - 380pp
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages 9-26) - 192pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 80-89) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 28-56; Kindle)

11/6/2024 (83 pages)
Dallas Public and Private (Pages 221-229)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 315-320) - 380pp
Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story (Pages 128-134)
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 100-114) - 192pp
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man (Pages 61-79) - 214pp
Trial by Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham (Pages 1-27; Kindle)

11/5/2024 (48 pages)
First Casualty: The Untold Story of the CIA Mission to Avenge 9/11 (Pages 397-398, 401-406, 498; Kindle)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 310-314) - 380pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 85-99) - 192pp
They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms (Pages 238-242, 277-279; Kindle)
When Baseball Was Baseball (Pages 121-141; Kindle) - 356pp

11/4/2024 (72 pages)
Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story (Pages 116-127) - 134pp
Strange and Obscure Stories of New York City: Little-Known Tales About Gotham's People and Places (Pages ix-x, 1-8) - 192pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 63-84) - 192pp
They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms (Pages 210-237; Kindle)

11/3/2024 (46 pages)
I Never Played the Game (Pages 298-309) - 380pp
Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story (Pages 105-115) -134pp
Roberto Clemente:  Batting King (Pages 125-128) - 188pp
They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms (Pages 187-209; Kindle)

11/2/2024 (42 pages)
Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story (Pages 91-104) -134pp
They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms (Pages 159-186; Kindle)

11/1/2024 (48 pages)
Reach Beyond the Break: The Avery Johnson Story (Pages 76-90) -134pp
The Way of the Father: Lessons from My Dad, Truths about God (Pages 30-62) - 192pp

From October
Ascending the Ladder: 9 Biblical Lessons for Reaching Your Career Goals and Thriving at Work (Pages 9-40; Kindle)
Chronicle of a Small Town (Pages ix-x, 3-7) - 175pp
Fastpitch:  The Untold History of Softball and the Women Who Made The Game (Pages 64-72) - 289pp

From September
Chamique: On Family, Focus, and Basketball (Pages 24-34) - 189pp
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity (Pages 19-31) - 185pp
The Jonathan Effect:  Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty (Pages 64-77) - 184pp

From August
And Then the End will Come: The Completion of the Great Commission and Nine other Clues That Jesus is Coming Soon (Pages 18-38) - 225pp
Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras:  A History of Blaxploitation Cinema (Pages 135-156; Kindle) - 296pp
When The News Went Live:  Dallas 1963 (Pages vii-xvi) - 197pp

From July
Know Your Bible (Pages 15-16) - 95pp
Not Some Random Clown:  A Youth Football Coaching Legend's Rise To Glory (Pages 2-44; Kindle) - 146pp
Sacred Smallness: Finding Kingdom Greatness in a Fruitful, Hidden Life (Pages 54-58; Kindle) - 210pp
Saturdays with Billy: My Friendship with Billy Graham (Pages 123-131) - 193pp (Billy's Hope)
Willie: The Game-Changing Story of the NHL's First Black Player (Pages 1-12) - 241pp
You Know You're in Texas When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Lone Star State (Pages 35-36) - 101pp

From June
The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem (Pages 9-20) - 137pp

From May
Entering The Promised Land (Pages 66-71) - 149pp
Rejoice Always:  Practical Notes In The Book Of Philippians (Pages 1-39) - 135pp
Sox Bid Curse Farewell:  The 2004 Boston Red Sox (Pages 29-44 (803); Kindle)
The Greatest Game Ever Played (Pages 10-13) - 163pp
The Race Before Us:  A Journey of Running and Faith (Pages 9-23) - 210pp

From April
Angels in the Realms of Heaven: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today (Dancing with Angels) (Pages 19-20; Kindle)
Bat 6 (Pages 1-18 plus Author's Note) - 229pp
Hiroshima (Pages 1-9) - 153pp
Jesus Or Nothing (Pages 43-56) - 129pp