Thursday, July 18, 2024

Bizarro At The Movie Theater, July 17, 2024

I went to see Despicable Me 4 at Regal last night.  It was a 10 p.m. start that, of course, didn't get going until 10:30 p.m.

It was OK.  3.5 of 5 on my review in the Letterboxd app.  Nothing magical.

When I go to a "kids" movie, I mind my own business because somebody could misconstrue the reason I'm there alone, but it is simply that I have Regal Unlimited - where I can see as many movies for one price - and the movie fits my time schedule.

The movie was over.  I was sitting in a two seat per row section to the right of the auditorium looking at the screen.

Without making contact or eye contact with anyone, I went down the stairs, turned right and exited the theater.

I thought about going to the restroom on the left on my way towards the main door, but I didn't.

I could hear kids running behind me, but again I was focused on exiting the building.  I made a right-hand turn and walked down a wheelchair ramp, but situated myself in the middle so that somebody wouldn't make the choice to try and come down the ramp to run around me.

I make a left-hand turn and head towards the exit in front of me.  There was a young couple that was in front of me by a little ways and I could see them exit to the left through the first of many doors.

As I got about half way to the exit in front of me, a young boy, I'm guessing 5th or 6th grader came running up to the left of me and touched me to get my attention.

Again, I'm a 50-something year old male.  The last thing that I'm going to do in a public place is engage - on my own - with somebody under the age of 18.  In today's day and times, it is wise not to so nobody can project something on me that I'd never do.

Basically he said something to the effect that his Mom wanted to say "Hello".

I didn't know if it was somebody I knew, so I waited until she and a group of four kids - probably two young high schoolers and two maybe young middle school age - all girls - caught up to me.

She said something about seeing me either in or leaving the theater.

I asked if I knew her.  She said, "No," but, if I understood it right, if I would be interested in seeing a movie with them in the future.

The girls were all laughing.

Just really, really odd.

I just said, "Hello," and proceeded to keep walking out to my car, which was way out in the parking lot for me to get a short walk in.

I would guess that she was maybe mid-40's, but to do something like that with all of your kids - and maybe a couple of their friends - just seems really bizarre.

I stopped at the 7-11 close to the movie theater on the way home and the clerk is always there late at night.

He's a cheerful black gentleman.  Good guy.  I shared with him a little of what went on and he thought that maybe it was a prank.

Even if it was, who would do something like that and involve their kids?  I know people are odd and crazy.

Maybe she was asking me out and I totally missed it, but it was really just a bizarre way to go about it.

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