Sunday, December 27, 2020

Books Read in 2020 - 49

"Concusstitution:  Welcome To Football" by Timothy Imholt, Ph.D. and Jay Saldi (Finished January 9)
"God & Football:  Faith and Fanaticism in the SEC" by Chad Gibbs (Finished January 17)
"What Set Me Free (The Story That Inspired the Major Motion Picture Brian Banks): A True Story of Wrongful Conviction, a Dream Deferred, and a Man Redeemed" by Brian Banks with Mark Dagostino (Finished February 13)
"Citizen 865:  The Hunt For Hitler's Hidden Soldiers in America" by Debbie Cenziper (Finished February 17)
"Great Linebackers #1 - Curtis - Buoniconti - Butkus - Lanier" by Bill Gutman (Finished February 27)

"At Bat #2 - Fisk - Rose - Bonds - Cedeno" by Bill Gutman (Finished March 27)
"I'm Glad You Didn't Take It Personally" by Jim Bouton with Leonard Shecter (Finished April 10)
"You Need A Schoolhouse:  Booker T. Washington, Julius Rosenwald, and the Building of Schools for the Segregated South" by Stephanie Deutsch (Finished April 11)
"Mind And Matter:  A Life In Math and Football" by John Urschel and Louisa Thomas (Finished April 12)
"Where You Go:  Life Lessons from My Father" by Charlotte Pence (Finished April 18)

"Sutherland Springs:  God, Guns, and Hope In A Texas Town" by Joe Holley (Finished April 19)
"The Future of EMail:  What We Must Do To Protect Ourselves" by V. A. Shiva PhD (Finished May 6)
"Grand Slam:  Heroes Of Major League Baseball" by Bill Horlacher & Joe Smalley (Finished May 7)
"When The Men Were Gone" by Marjorie Herrera Lewis (Finished May 10)
"Unafraid:  Trusting God in an Unsafe World" by Susie Davis (Finished May 13)

"Integrating The 40 Acres:  The 50-Year Struggle for Racial Equality at the University of Texas" by Dwonna Goldstone (Finished May 24)
"Bible in Pocket, Gun in Hand:  The Story of Frontier Religion" by Ross Phares (Finished May 24)
"Trump:  The Art Of The Comeback" by Donald J. Trump with Kate Bohner (Finished May 27)
"The Boston Marathon" by Joe Falls (Finished June 11)
"Disrupting for Good:  Using Passion and Persistence to Create Lasting Change" by Chris Field (Finished June 24)

"Everything Happens For A Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved" by Kate Bowler (Finished June 27)
"Lifting Up The Bible:  The Story Behind Museum of the Bible" by Cary Summers (Finished July 2)
"Growing Up in Mister Rogers' REAL Neighborhood:  Life Lessons from the Heart of Latrobe, PA" by Chris Rodell (Finished July 7)
"The Greatest Texas Sports Stories You've Never Heard" by Al Pickett (Finished 7/10)
"In The Locker Room:  Tales of the Pittsburgh Steelers from the Playing Field to the Broadcast Booth" by Tunch Ilkin with Scott Brown (Finished 7/13)

"Kicked In The Balls, And I Am A Woman:  Journey to a 140.6" by Stacy Hughes (Finished 7/19 - 9798656653381)
"Promise Me, Dad:  A Year of Hope, Hardship and Purpose" by Joe Biden (Finished 7/27)
"Brain On Fire:  My Month of Madness" by Susannah Cahalan (Finished 7/27)
"Media Madness:  Donald Trump, The Press and The War Over Truth" by Howard Kurtz (Finished 7/30)
"The Crazy Kid:  My Life as a Coach and Athletic Director in Garland, Texas" by Homer B. Johnson as told to Derek Ray Johnson and Brian Honea (Finished 8/4)

"Bare Bones:  I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book" by Bobby Bones (Finished 8/15)
"Grinding It Out:  The Making of McDonald's" by Ray Kroc with Robert Anderson (Finished 8/19)
"The Promise Of A Pencil:  How An Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change" by Adam Braun (Finished 9/6)
"Cloyce Box:  6'4" and Bulletproof" by Michael Barr (Finished 9/6)
"God In The ICU:  The Inspirational Biography of a Praying Doctor" by Dr. Dave Walker (Finished 9/17)

"Speaking for Myself:  Faith, Freedom and the Fight of Our Lives Inside The Trump White House" by Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Finished 9/20)
"Everything Beautiful in Its Time:  Seasons of Love and Loss" by Jenna Bush Hager (Finished 9/23)
"I'm Just a DJ But … It Makes Sense to Me" by Tom Joyner with Mary Flowers Boyce (Finished 9/27)
"Countdown To Socialism" by Devin Nunes (Finished 10/9)
"Bum Phillips:  Coach * Cowboy * Christian" by Bum Phillips with Gabe Semenza (Finished 10/13)

"America Divided" by Star Parker (Finished 10/13)
"Run The Mile You're In:  Finding God In Every Step" by Ryan Hall (Finished 10/16)
"Waylon:  Tales Of My Outlaw Dad" by Terry Jennings with David Thomas (Finished 10/22)
"Inside The White House" by Ronald Kessler (Finished 11/4)
"Laura:  America's First Lady, First Mother" by Antonia Felix (Finished 11/11)

"Back In The Game:  One Gunman, Countless Heroes, And The Fight For My Life" by Steve Scalise with Jeffrey Stern (Finished 11/30)
"They Call Me Coach:  If I Can You Can" by Stephon Leary (Finished 12/5)
"News Of The World" by Paulette Jiles (Finished 12/21)
"Dream Walker:  A Journey of Achievement and Inspiration" by Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr. with Mickey Herskowitz (Finished 12/27)

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Miles and Miles - 2020

Tracking my efforts in 2020:

November 25 - December 24 - 41.035 miles - 25.796 miles walking - 30.843 miles light walking - 76.5 miles cycling - 4,888 meters rowing
November 25, 2020 (Wednesday) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 26, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway - 0.97 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 27, 2020 (Friday) - 3.1 miles in the Friends of the Running Community 5K - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 28, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles in the Run The Woodlands 5K - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 29, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 30, 2020 (Monday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 1,214 meters rowing (6:00) - 0.67 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 1, 2020 (Tuesday) - 12.0 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (35:00) - 1,640 meters rowing (8:00) - 0.54 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 2, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3 miles at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.62 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 3, 2020 (Thursday) - 3.01 miles in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:59) - 0.99 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 4, 2020 (Friday) - 13.0 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (38:45) - 2,034 meters rowing (10:00) - 0.29 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 5, 2020 (Saturday) - 15.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:30) - 0.27 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 6, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.1 miles at TWRC Sunday Night 5K (30:36.22) - 15.6 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:00) - 0.98 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 7, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:03:35) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 8, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.646 miles at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.53 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 9, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3.124 miles at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.44 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 10, 2020 (Thursday) - 3.01 miles in Waco - 1.69 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 11, 2020 (Friday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 12, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.5 miles walking on Midway ISD Stadium track, Hewitt - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 13, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 14, 2020 (Monday) - 0.81 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.244 miles walking at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 16, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3.231 miles walking at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.869 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 17, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 18, 2020 (Friday) - 0.71 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 19, 2020 (Saturday) - 2 miles walking at Panther Stadium, Midway ISD, Hewitt, TX (30:26) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 20, 2020 (Sunday) - 6.636 miles in five cities in Texas - 1.264 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 21, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:38) - 0.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 22, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.309 miles and 0.821 miles walking at Knox Junior High, The Woodlands - 0.53 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 23, 2020 (Wednesday) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 0.33 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 24, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:50) - 5 miles walking (Apple Health)

October 25 - November 24 - 25.42 miles - 21.48 miles walking - 50.53 miles light walking - 32 miles cycling
October 25, 2020 (Sunday) - 2.82 miles at short Run For Your Bones 5K in Midlothian - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 26, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:28) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 27, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 28, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:21) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 29, 2020 (Thursday) - 2.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 30, 2020 (Friday) - 0.81 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 31, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.2 miles at two 5Ks in Lott and Chilton - 1 mile walking (from finish to start) - 2.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 1, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.1 miles at TWRC Sunday Night 5K - 0.87 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 2, 2020 (Monday) - 4.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 3, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.54 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 4, 2020 (Wednesday) - 10 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 0.56 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 5, 2020 (Thursday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
November 6, 2020 (Friday) - 11.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (35:06) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 7, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.2 miles at Daily News Press Run 10K in Galveston - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 8, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.42 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 9, 2020 (Monday) - 4.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 10, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) - 10.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:02) - 0.46 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 12, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway - 0.71 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 13, 2020 (Friday) - 2.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 14, 2020 (Saturday) - 2.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 15, 2020 (Sunday) - 2.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 16, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
November 17, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:20) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
November 18, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1 mile walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 19, 2020 (Thursday) - 1.5 miles walking at Montgomery County Veterans Park - 0.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 20, 2020 (Friday) - 2.98 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway - 0.92 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 21, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles in the City of Conroe Turkey Trot 5K (Conroe, TX) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 22, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.61 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 23, 2020 (Monday) - 3 miles walking (Apple Health)
November 24, 2020 (Tuesday) - 5.1 miles walking (Apple Health)

September 25 - October 24 -- 28.1 miles - 28.28 miles walking - 27.45 miles light walking - 114.6 miles cycling - 4,045 meters rowing
September 25, 2020 (Friday) - 3.65 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.45 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 26, 2020 (Saturday) - 3 miles walking at Memorial Park (47:28) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 27, 2020 (Sunday) - 5.31 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:23:05) - 0.39 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 28, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:33) - 2 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 29, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.92 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:00:37) - 0.58 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 30, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:02) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 1, 2020 (Thursday) - 3 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (46:20.82)
October 2, 2020 (Friday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 3, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 4, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.1 miles at TWRC Sunday Night 5K (30:09) - 0.43 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 5, 2020 (Monday) - 0.55 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 6, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.44 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 7, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.21 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 8, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 9, 2020 (Friday) - 12.7 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (37:18) - 0.43 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 10, 2020 (Saturday) - 5.46 miles in four Texas cities or towns - 1.04 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 11, 2020 (Sunday) - 6.74 miles in five Texas cities or towns - 0.86 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 12, 2020 (Monday) - 11.9 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (35:11) - 0.42 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 13, 2020 (Tuesday) - 13.9 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (41:45) - 0.54 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 14, 2020 (Wednesday) - 13.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (41:28) - 0.64 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 15, 2020 (Thursday) - 11.5 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (32:58) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 16, 2020 (Friday) - 0.68 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 17, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.6 miles at Temple Parks Foundation 10K Runway Classic Trail Run - 1.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 18, 2020 (Sunday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
October 19, 2020 (Monday) - 14.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (42:25) - 1,892 meters rowing - 0.44 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 20, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (31:12) - 2,153 meters rowing - 0.63 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 21, 2020 (Wednesday) - 13.5 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (38:51) - 0.75 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 22, 2020 (Thursday) - 12.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (36:06) - 0.55 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 23, 2020 (Friday) - 0.82 miles walking (Apple Health)
October 24, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.2 miles at Golden Sweet Potato Festival 5K and Terror Trails 5K and 1.4 miles walking - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)

August 25 - September 24 -- 13.65 miles - 38.97 miles walking - 20.18 miles light walking - 130.6 miles cycling - 13,273 meters rowing
August 25, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.6 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (31:00) - 0.48 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 26, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:19) - 0.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 27, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.37 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 28, 2020 (Friday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 29, 2020 (Saturday) - 0.96 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 30, 2020 (Sunday) - 9.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:01) - 1,749 meters rowing - 0.49 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 31, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:03) - 0.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 1, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.44 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 2, 2020 (Wednesday) - 11.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (32:50) - 2,726 meters rowing - 0.15 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 3, 2020 (Thursday) - 8.7 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (25:00) - 2,905 meters rowing- 0.39 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 4, 2020 (Friday) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:01) - 2,882 meters rowing - 0.24 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 5, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 6, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.8 miles cycling (40:33) - 2,021 meters rowing - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 7, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:16) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 8, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.65 miles in Springwoods Village, Spring, TX - 0.26 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 9, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.88 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 10, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking in The Woodlands (1:02:47) - 0.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 11, 2020 (Friday) - 0.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 12, 2020 (Saturday) - 5.02 miles walking in The Woodlands (1:18:14) - 2.38 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 13, 2020 (Sunday) - 5.06 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:17:40) - 0.64 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 14, 2020 (Monday) - 0.82 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 15, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.5 miles cycling (30:00) - 0.36 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 16, 2020 (Wednesday) - 11.3 miles cycling (33:13) - 0.45 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 17, 2020 (Thursday) - 5.8 miles cycling (17:00) - 3 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.54 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 18, 2020 (Friday) - 5.24 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:21:12) - 0.36 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 19, 2020 (Saturday) - 6 miles at 10K in Nacogdoches (1:00:50; misdirected short) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 20, 2020 (Sunday) - 1 mile in Hannover Forest subdivision - 4.65 miles walking in Springwoods Village and Hannover Forest - 0.48 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 21, 2020 (Monday) - 3 miles in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 22, 2020 (Tuesday) - 12.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (36:06) - 0.42 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 23, 2020 (Wednesday) - 15.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:00) - 990 meters rowing (5:00) - 0.34 miles walking (Apple Health)
September 24, 2020 (Thursday) - 11.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (32:36) - 0.53 miles walking (Apple Health)

July 25 - August 24 = 27.799 miles -- 20.658 miles walking -- 30.02 miles light walking - 120.6 miles cycling - 0 meters rowing
July 25, 2020 (Saturday) - 0.36 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 26, 2020 (Sunday) - 16.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (48:50) - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 27, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (1:01:12.61) - 0.51 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 28, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.308 miles walking at Irons Junior High (1:05:53) - 0.26 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 29, 2020 (Wednesday) - 16.7 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (49:18) - 0.25 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 30, 2020 (Thursday) - 15.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (47:40) - 0.18 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 31, 2020 (Friday) - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 1, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.47 miles in three counties (3M race plus 0.5 mile warmup and 2.97 in two other counties) - 4.33 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 2, 2020 (Sunday) - 7.18 miles in five counties - 1.87 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 3, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 4, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.049 miles at Irons Junior High - 0.19 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 5, 2020 (Wednesday) -  0.11 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 6, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:53.54) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 7, 2020 (Friday) - 0.82 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 8, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles in Hope Watermelon 5K, Hope, AR - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
August 9, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.46 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 10, 2020 (Monday) - 0.77 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 11, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.48 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 12, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.51 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 13, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.93 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 14, 2020 (Friday) - 4.35 miles walking in The Woodlands - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 0.65 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 15, 2020 (Saturday) - 10.6 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 2.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 16, 2020 (Sunday) - 8 miles in The Woodlands - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 17, 2020 (Monday) - 0.48 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 18, 2020 (Tuesday) - 13.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (38:33) - 0.19 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 19, 2020 (Wednesday) - 12.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (37:40) - 0.33 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 20, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.94 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 21, 2020 (Friday) - 4.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 22, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 23, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.7 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (40:01) - 0.97 miles walking (Apple Health)
August 24, 2020 (Monday) - 11.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (34:22) - 0.65 miles walking (Apple Health)

June 25 - July 24 = 44.63 miles -- 27.458 miles walking -- 25.99 miles light walking - 173.9 miles cycling - 10,972 meters rowing
June 25, 2020 (Thursday) - 3.23 miles around Huntingdon, PA - 1.77 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 26, 2020 (Friday) - 3.15 miles on Charleston parkrun 5K course, Charleston, WV (30:27.37) - 1.75 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 27, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.6 miles in Huntington, WV - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 28, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.87 miles in Little Rock, AR - 1.43 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 29, 2020 (Monday) - 4.26 miles in Springwoods Village (46:32) - 5 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (15:03) and 910 meters rowing (5:00) - 0.64 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 30, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.02 miles in Huntsville - 6.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (18:00) and 1,138 meters rowing (6:00) - 0.28 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 1, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.176 miles walking at Irons Junior High (1:03:16) - 7.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (21:00) and 1,338 meters rowing (7:00) - 0.51 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 2, 2020 (Thursday) - 4.17 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:05:33) - 8.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (24:22) and 1,507 meters rowing (8:00) - 0.43 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 3, 2020 (Friday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:08) - 3.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 4, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles at Firecracker 5K (Mexia, TX) - 0.93 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 5, 2020 (Sunday) - 6.2 miles at Run The Woodlands 5K virtual and the TWRC Sunday Night 5K (The Woodlands, TX) - 0.16 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 6, 2020 (Monday) - 3 miles (32:37.97) and 3 miles walking (47:16.70) at Memorial Park (Houston) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:21) and 1,932 meters rowing (10:00) - 0.49 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 7, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:19) and 2,090 meters rowing (11:00) - 0.24 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 8, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.264 miles walking at Irons Junior High - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 9, 2020 (Thursday) - 14.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (42:20) - 0.09 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 10, 2020 (Friday) - 13.6 miles cycling on Air Assault bike - 0.25 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 11, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.2 miles at CRC Hell's Half Acre 10K (Fort Worth, TX) - 11.5 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (34:05) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 12, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (40:08) - 0.92 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 13, 2020 (Monday) - 11.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (36:05) and 2,057 meters rowing (11:00) - 0.61 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 14, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.308 miles walking at Irons Junior High - 10.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:15) - 0.52 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 15, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.308 miles walking at Irons Junior High - 0.31 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 16, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway (43:57.11) - 0.96 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 17, 2020 (Friday) - 0.53 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 18, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 19, 2020 (Sunday) - 15.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:44) - 0.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 20, 2020 (Monday) - 14.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (44:00) - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 21, 2020 (Tuesday) - 11 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (33:28) - 0.28 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 22, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3.232 miles walking at Irons Junior High - 0.37 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 23, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
July 24, 2020 (Friday) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)

May 25 - June 24 - 79.015 miles -- 57.78 miles walking - 22.811 miles light walking
May 25, 2020 (Monday) - 6.2 miles at Memorial Day 5K (Huntsville, TX), ran it twice.
May 26, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway with Waverly (42:50.35) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:31.54)
May 28, 2020 (Thursday) - 1 mile in Dennis Johnston Park (11:33.87), 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (29:29.57), 3 miles walking in Dennis Johnston Park (42:43.92)
May 30, 2020 (Saturday) - 12.61 miles in eight counties across Texas
May 31, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.97 miles walking in three counties across Texas
June 1, 2020 (Monday) - 6 miles walking - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway (1:00:56.83) and 2 miles in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:27.62)
June 2, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.134 miles walking at Knox Junior High
June 3, 2020 (Wednesday) - 6.215 miles at Irons Junior High
June 4, 2020 (Thursday) - 6.01 miles walking in Springwoods Village (1:32:42)
June 5, 2020 (Friday) - 1.39 miles walking from ecoPark lot to IAH Rental Car center.
June 6, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.85 miles at Stop Distracted Driving 5K (Huntsville, TX) - 5K plus .75 mile warm-up.
June 7, 2020 (Sunday) - 8.95 miles (Run For Wellness 5K plus four Texas cities)
June 8, 2020 (Monday) - 5.39 miles walking -- 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:33) plus 1.39 miles walking from IAH Rental Car center to ecoPark lot.
June 9, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.616 miles at Irons Junior High and 2.718 miles walking
June 10, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3.149 miles at Irons Junior High and 2.072 miles walking
June 11, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway with Waverly (42:48.58)
June 13, 2020 (Saturday) - 10.1 miles in seven cities across Texas
June 14, 2020 (Sunday) - 5.81 miles in four cities across Texas
June 15, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:00:23.04)
June 16, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.078 miles at Irons Junior High and 0.534 miles walking
June 19, 2020 (Friday) - 3.14 miles in Altoona, PA (34:13)
June 20, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.8 miles in Tyrone, PA (40:23)
June 21, 2020 (Sunday) - 7.41 miles walking around the Penn State campus and State College, PA (1:56:38)
June 22, 2020 (Monday) - 4.02 miles walking on the Lower Trail, Alexandria, PA (1:00:46)
June 23, 2020 (Tuesday) - .497 miles and 3.132 miles walking at Mansion Stadium in Altoona, PA

May 25, 2020 (Monday) - 0.12 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 26, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.58 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 27, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 28, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 29, 2020 (Friday) - 0.75 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 30, 2020 (Saturday) - 2.79 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 31, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.73 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 1, 2020 (Monday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
June 2, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.17 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 3, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 4, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.29 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 5, 2020 (Friday) - 1.01 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 6, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 7, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.75 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 8, 2020 (Monday) - 0.71 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 9, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.29 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 10, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.19 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 11, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.42 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 12, 2020 (Friday) - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 13, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 14, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.59 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 15, 2020 (Monday) - 0.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 16, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 17, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 18, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.38 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 19, 2020 (Friday) - 0.56 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 20, 2020 (Saturday) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 21, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.59 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 22, 2020 (Monday) - 1.08 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 23, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.071 miles walking (Apple Health)
June 24, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)

April 25 - May 24 - 73.84 miles -- 69.075 miles walking -- 23.915 miles light walking - 61.7 miles cycling -- 20 squats
April 25, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles at Run The Woodlands 5K, 3 miles at Fort Boggy State Park (Centerville) and 3 miles at Mission Tejas State Park (Grapeland)
April 26, 2020 (Sunday) - 4.28 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway
April 27, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway with Waverly
April 28, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:08) - 20 squats
April 29, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles along The Woodlands Waterway with Waverly (42:50.54)
April 30, 2020 (Thursday) - 3 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (45:10.58)
May 2, 2020 (Saturday) - 9.85 miles in six counties across Texas
May 3, 2020 (Sunday) - 7.11 miles in five counties across Texas
May 4, 2020 (Monday) - 2.25 miles walking from Enterprise I-45 North to home
May 5, 2020 (Tuesday) - 5.975 miles walking on Spring Creek Greenway Trail - 0.25 miles light walking
May 6, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:59.53)
May 7, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:16.90)
May 8, 2020 (Friday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:00:28.28)
May 9, 2020 (Saturday) - 12.4 miles walking the Spring Creek Greenway Trail
May 10, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.5 mile and 0.5 mile walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 15.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:00)
May 11, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:04:40.61) - 15.7 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (46:24)
May 12, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.7 miles walking in Springwoods Village (55:30.44)
May 13, 2020 (Wednesday) - 15.8 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (46:30)
May 14, 2020 (Thursday) - 15.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:11)
May 15, 2020 (Friday) - 1.53 miles in Falls County (15:48.57) and 3.24 miles in downtown Waco
May 16, 2020 (Saturday) - 7.32 miles in five counties across Texas
May 17, 2020 (Sunday) - 7.11 miles in five counties across Texas
May 19, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4.12 miles in Springwoods Village (47:36) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:26.77)
May 20, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.59 miles in Springwoods Village (50:48) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:22.92)
May 21, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:33.55) and 1.09 miles walking in The Woodlands Township
May 22, 2020 (Friday) - 3.11 miles in downtown Waco (32:53) and 1.39 miles walking from ecoPark lot to IAH Rental Car center.
May 23, 2020 (Saturday) - 5.15 miles in Gustine, TX (4.23 as part of 2nd annual Larry Don's 7 & 7K and 0.92 miles warmup)
May 24, 2020 (Sunday) - 3.1 miles at George Bush Park, 3.1 miles walking at George Bush Park and 1.39 miles walking from IAH Rental Car center to ecoPark lot.

April 25, 2020 (Saturday) - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 26, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.12 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 27, 2020 (Monday) - 0.25 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 28, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 29, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.39 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 30, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 1, 2020 (Friday) - 0.36 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 2, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.35 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 3, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.67 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 4, 2020 (Monday) - 0.75 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 5, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.075 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 6, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.0 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 7, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.14 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 8, 2020 (Friday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 9, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 10, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.18 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 11, 2020 (Monday) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 12, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.42 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 13, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.28 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 14, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.06 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 15, 2020 (Friday) - 0.93 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 16, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.79 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 17, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 18, 2020 (Monday) - 0.79 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 19, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.38 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 20, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.21 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 21, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.31 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 22, 2020 (Friday) - 0.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 23, 2020 (Saturday) - 2.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
May 24, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.21 miles walking (Apple Health)

March 25 - April 24 - 50.8 miles
-- 90.29 miles walking -- 15.61 miles light walking - 56.2 miles cycling - 1,691 meters rowing
March 25, 2020 (Wednesday) - 3.66 miles with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 2.5 mile walking (Apple Health)
March 26, 2020 (Thursday) - 4.41 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.29 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 27, 2020 (Friday) - 4 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision and 3.66 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.34 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 28, 2020 (Saturday) - 4.41 miles in Springwoods Village - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 29, 2020 (Sunday) - 5.37 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:07) - 0.93 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 30, 2020 (Monday) - 3.92 miles with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 10.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 0.18 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 31, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.9 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 1, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.05 miles with Waverly on Spring Creek Greenway - 0.35 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 2, 2020 (Thursday) - 2.9 miles walking with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 0.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:07)
April 3, 2020 (Friday) - 4.3 miles walking with Waverly in Springwoods Village and 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 4, 2020 (Saturday) - 5.45 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.25 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 5, 2020 (Sunday) - 4.59 miles in Springwoods Village - 0.21 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 6, 2020 (Monday) - 4.08 miles with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 7, 2020 (Tuesday) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 10.3 miles on Air Assault bike (30:07) - 1,691 meters rowing - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 8, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4.07 miles with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 0.23 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 9, 2020 (Thursday) - 3 miles in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:22.67) - 0.31 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 10, 2020 (Friday) - 5 miles walking with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 11, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.65 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.15 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 12, 2020 (Sunday) - 4.02 miles with Waverly in Springwoods Village - 0.28 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 13, 2020 (Monday) - 3.91 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.59 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 14, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3 miles with Waverly in Hannover Forest subdivision - 3.08 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 15, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:29) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 16, 2020 (Thursday) - 3 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (45:25.98) and 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:19) - 0.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 17, 2020 (Friday) - 1 mile walking with Waverly along The Woodlands Waterway - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 18, 2020 (Saturday) - 5 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision - 0.28 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 19, 2020 (Sunday) - 4 miles with Waverly along The Woodlands Waterway (42:58.58) - 0.09 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 20, 2020 (Monday) - 2 miles walking in Hannover Forest subdivision (30:10.88) plus 2.66 miles walking in Springwoods Village (41:27.17) - 0.64 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 21, 2020 (Tuesday) - 15.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (45:00) - 4 miles with Waverly along The Woodlands Waterway (41:27.39) - 0.22 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 22, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles with Waverly along The Woodlands Waterway (44:10.45) - 0.73 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 23, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:02:40) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
April 24, 2020 (Friday) - 4 miles walking along The Woodlands Waterway (1:01:32) - 0.5 miles walking (Apple Health)

February 25 - March 24 -- 51.22 miles -- 37.43 miles walking - 42.98 miles light walking - 93.8 miles cycling
February 25, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:04) - 0.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 26, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 27, 2020 (Thursday) - 10.6 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (31:00) - 0.85 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 28, 2020 (Friday) - 11.0 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (32:00) - 2.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 29, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles (Tom King Classic 5K, Nashville, TN) - 5 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 1, 2020 (Sunday) - 6.2 miles (Run For Wellness - Heights 5K, Houston, TX and TWRC Sunday Night 5K, The Woodlands, TX) - 0.68 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 2, 2020 (Monday) - 2.97 miles (Hannover Forest subdivision) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 3, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.36 miles walking (Cedar Brake Park, Montgomery, TX) - 1.04 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 4, 2020 (Wednesday) - 12.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (36:00) - 0.98 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 5, 2020 (Thursday) - 14.0 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (40:07) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 6, 2020 (Friday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:15) - 0.86 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 7, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.1 miles (9th annual San Jacinto Texas Independence Fun Run 5K, La Porte, TX and Summer Creek Bulldogs 5K Fun Run, Houston, TX) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 8, 2020 (Sunday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX, with Waverly) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 9, 2020 (Monday) - 0.26 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 10, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 10.8 miles cycling on Air Assault Bike (31:08) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 11, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
March 12, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 13, 2020 (Friday) - 0.92 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 14, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles (St. Paddy's Day 5K, New Braunfels, TX) plus 5.79 miles total in four new Texas counties - 2.24 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 15, 2020 (Sunday) - 6.65 miles total in five new Texas counties - 2.27 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 16, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking with Waverly (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 17, 2020 (Tuesday) - 4 miles walking with Waverly (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 18, 2020 (Wednesday) - 4 miles walking with Waverly (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 19, 2020 (Thursday) - 4 miles walking with Waverly (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health) - 14.2 miles cycling on Air Assault Bike (41:30)
March 20, 2020 (Friday) - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 21, 2020 (Saturday) - 8.86 miles total in six new Texas counties - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 22, 2020 (Sunday) - 8.45 miles total in six new Texas counties - 0.91 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 23, 2020 (Monday) - 4.41 miles walking in Springwoods Village - 1.69 miles walking (Apple Health)
March 24, 2020 (Tuesday) - 3.66 miles walking in Springwoods Village (with Waverly) - 2.44 miles walking (Apple Health)

January 25 - February 24 - 54.54 miles - 13.5 miles walking - 62.57 miles light walking - 51.7 miles cycling
January 25, 2020 (Saturday) - 5.94 miles (5Ks in Copperas Cove and Temple)
January 25, 2020 (Saturday) - 2.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 26, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.1 miles (Miracle Match Half Marathon, Waco, TX)
January 26, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.58 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 27, 2020 (Monday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 28, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.85 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 29, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 30, 2020 (Thursday) - 5.5 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 31, 2020 (Friday) - 1.9 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 1, 2020 (Saturday) - 4.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 2, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.1 miles (USA Fit Fort Bend Kia Half Marathon, Sugar Land, TX)
February 2, 2020 (Sunday) - 1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 2, 2020 (Sunday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX, with Waverly)
February 2, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.5 miles walking (IAH Rental Car center to the EcoPark parking lot)
February 3, 2020 (Monday) - 6 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 4, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 5, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.74 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 6, 2020 (Thursday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
February 7, 2020 (Friday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00)
February 8, 2020 (Saturday) - 4.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 9, 2020 (Sunday) - 2.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 10, 2020 (Monday) - 2.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 11, 2020 (Tuesday) - 0.96 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 12, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 13, 2020 (Thursday) - 6.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 14, 2020 (Friday) - 3.3 miles walking (Apple Health) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:04)
February 15, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles (Bear Creek Greenbelt parkrun #17 5K, Keller, TX) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 16, 2020 (Sunday) - 13.1 miles (Run The Line Half Marathon, Texarkana, TX) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX, with Waverly)
February 17, 2020 (Monday) - 10.2 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:12) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 18, 2020 (Tuesday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:01) - 1.3 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 19, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
February 20, 2020 (Thursday) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 21, 2020 (Friday) - 1 mile walking (Apple Health)
February 22, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.2 miles (Run The Woodlands 5K and The Woodlands Waterway parkrun #5, The Woodlands, TX) - 1.4 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 23, 2020 (Sunday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX, with Waverly) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
February 24, 2020 (Monday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:05) - 0.84 miles walking (Apple Health)

December 25 - January 24 - 40.52 miles - 16.78 miles walking - 48.96 miles light walking - 51.6 miles cycling - 5,695 meters rowing
December 25, 2019 (Wednesday) - 0.46 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 26, 2019 (Thursday) - 3.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 27, 2019 (Friday) - 3.28 miles walking (Springwoods Village, Spring, TX - 50:58)
December 27, 2019 (Friday) - 1.2 miles walking (EcoPark parking lot to the IAH Rental Car center)
December 27, 2019 (Friday) - 0.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 28, 2019 (Saturday) - 2.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 28, 2019 (Saturday) - 1.2 miles walking (IAH Rental Car center to the EcoPark parking lot)
December 29, 2019 (Sunday) - 5.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 30, 2019 (Monday) - 0.07 miles walking (Apple Health)
December 31, 2019 (Tuesday) - 0.4 mile walking (Apple Health)
December 31, 2019 (Tuesday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX)
January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) - 13.1 miles (Texas Half Marathon, Kingwood, TX)
January 2, 2020 (Thursday) - 10.1 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:06)
January 3, 2020 (Friday) - 1.54 miles walking (EcoPark parking lot to the IAH Rental Car center)
January 3, 2020 (Friday) - 2.16 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 4, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.02 miles (Downtown Fort Worth, TX run with Waverly)
January 4, 2020 (Saturday) - 6.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 5, 2020 (Sunday) - 1.7 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 6, 2020 (Monday) - 1.54 miles walking (IAH Rental Car center to EcoPark parking lot) - 1.16 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 6, 2020 (Monday) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00)
January 6, 2020 (Monday) - 4 miles walking (Fleet Feet Sports to Barry Blanton's aid station for IM Texas, The Woodlands, TX)
January 7, 2020 (Tuesday) - 5.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 8, 2020 (Wednesday) - 10.4 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00)
January 8, 2020 (Wednesday) - 1.0 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 9, 2020 (Thursday) - 10.5 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:10) - 2,920 meters rowing
January 9, 2020 (Thursday) - 0.67 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 10, 2020 (Friday) - 1.2 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 11, 2020 (Saturday) - 9.3 miles (Thin Mint Sprint 5K, College Station, TX and Arches Resolution 10K, Temple, TX)
January 11, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.0 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 12, 2020 (Sunday) - 0.66 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 13, 2020 (Monday) - 1.8 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 14, 2020 (Tuesday) - 1.1 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 15, 2020 (Wednesday) - 0.89 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 16, 2020 (Thursday) - 4.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 17, 2020 (Friday) - 10.3 miles cycling on Air Assault bike (30:00) - 2,775 meters rowing
January 17, 2020 (Friday) - 0.37 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 18, 2020 (Saturday) - 3.1 miles (We Are Houston 5K, Houston, TX)
January 18, 2020 (Saturday) - 1.6 miles walking (Apple Health)
January 19, 2020 (Sunday) - 12 miles (Out to mile 20 and back during Chevron Houston Marathon, Houston, TX)
January 19, 2020 (Sunday) - 2.3 miles walking (Apple Health)

11/25 - 12/24 = 54.994 miles - 14.61 miles walking - 51.79 miles light walking - 37.9 miles cycling - 11,033 meters rowing
10/25 - 11/24 = 28.1 miles - 65.65 miles light walking - 58 miles cycling - 7,715 meters rowing
9/25 - 10/24 = 1.285 miles - 3.36 miles walking - 30 miles cycling
8/25 - 9/24 = 25.825 miles - 19.39 miles walking - 89.2 miles cycling - 7,898 meters (3.21 miles) rowing
7/25 - 8/24 = 35.575 miles - 8.41 miles walking - 163.7 miles cycling
6/25 - 7/24 = 78.131 miles - 6.849 miles walking - 81 miles cycling
5/25 - 6/24 = 77.54 miles - 33.496 miles walking - 14.6 miles cycling
4/25 - 5/24 = 73.037 miles - 10.721 miles walking - 25 minutes cycling
3/25 - 4/24 = 60.35 miles - 20 minutes elliptical
2/25 - 3/24 = 44.26 miles
1/25 - 2/24 = 15.5 miles
12/25 - 1/24 = 77.155 miles - 8.52 walking

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

New Restaurants in 2020 - 8

Burger Up, Nashville, TX (February 29)
El Bosque Mexican Restaurant, Montgomery, TX (March 3)
Horseshoe Hill Cafe, Fort Worth, TX (January 4)
Mama's Restaurant #2, Tyler, TX (October 24) 
Mi Jalisco Grill #2, Waco, TX (January 25)
Mr. Hamburger, Huntsville, TX (January 8)
Stella Southern Cafe, College Station, TX (January 11)
Taco Casa, College Station, TX (February 22)

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Battling; December 9, 2020

The natural feeling is to lash out, but that's just what a narcissist wants you to do so they can drag you through the mud even more.

In their need for attention and as a result - drama, they lash out at their loss of control over you with words - that no matter how you choose to respond - they will find a way to pick you apart with.

Again the only move is to not play, take a deep breath and resist the temptation in any way, shape of form to respond.  Even though it is a struggle and a challenge, it is the safest strategy of all.

That - and prayer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Hopefully, The End; December 8, 2020

Remember the 1983 movie "War Games", I do.  It was one of my favorites.  

Maybe in large part because of Ally Sheedy, who is now 58 (I just looked it up).  Wow.

There was a line towards the very end of the movie after the computer went through all of its permutations, it said, "The only winning move is to not play."

That's how I feel about a "friendship" that I seem to be lumped into.

So no sooner than seven hours after posting my last update about being ghosted, I had a Facebook Messenger message from the individual.

It wasn't, "Hey, I apologize for not getting back to you on your ask of 15 days ago," but rather, "Jon, did you unfriend me again?"

The answer to that question was the Saturday or Sunday after the election and just 9-10 days after I extended the invite to her at her asking.  Therefore, it wasn't as a result of me getting ghosted.  

I left a long time before and she never knew it (because she never engaged in that medium with me which makes the ask to be a Facebook friend again really one about exhibiting control and having me bought in on her).

My answer yesterday morning was one that I threaded the needle on in my response, "I'm not connected at all."  

There's not a follow of each other on Twitter or Instagram and I don't know if they are still a follower on Facebook or not.  My female race director friend had told me that their Facebook account is locked down.  Honestly, the 9-day period that I was friends with her on Facebook I saw maybe one post - before the Saturday post-election day post (and that was over the top enough to drive me away).

I respect people's choices, but how they present them is a whole other story.  I'm pretty image conscious on what I post for the most part, especially Facebook since it has the most eyes.

What I was able to put together is that they were looking in through the list of users who had been invited to an event for something upcoming so that they could invite some additional folks.  That's where she saw that I wasn't a friend - and prompted the message before 7 a.m.

On later analysis, I thought that was a little egregious to assume that I was willing to take a message before 7 a.m., but I let it slide.

She responded, "Ok."

And then I got this:  "I truly don’t know how to proceed with our friendship or lack thereof."

My thought then and now is "lack thereof" and the ball is - and has been - in your court.  If they want it, they can show themselves friendly.  There have been decent dialogues in electronic form, but anything person has, as I mentioned in the earlier update, been brief.

Then, there was some information about the event:

So-so is doing something for somebody and presenting it to them in some days to come.  (I had to edit this to disguise the real event.)

100% voluntary. 

I want you and (my daughter) to be aware and feel included because I consider you part of the group, and more importantly close to the indvididual.

You choose whether or not to participate. Either way is good. 

I just don’t want to present the individual with something when both or either of you might be out there and make you feel excluded.  (Slight edit)

Take care Jon. 
Merry Christmas.

I didn't read a lot into the last two statements until later in the evening when I was walking on The Woodlands Waterway after seeing a movie Tuesday night.

I responded within about 15-20 minutes after getting over the shock of the message that early of the morning, and forwarding the initial screen capture to my daughter and a good friend.

My response (with appropriate edits to disguise the true nature of the event) follows:

So and so added me. I saw it last night. I will be in Waco. I will share it with my daughter as I don’t ever know what her schedule or plans are lately.  (She won't be able to be there either.)  I typically, beyond genuine praise on Facebook, express my appreciation for the individual - if tangible things are involved - privately.  Although I broke that mold last night on something as I wanted those in attendance to know that something they've been involved in for a long time.  People have a tendency to forget.

I never feel excluded because I don’t include myself.  My choice.  However, some of it originates from the days I was writing and covering the sport(s) more and the need to remain unbiased.  That remains a lot to this day.  My loyalty is an individual and not a group and always will.

And, I might add, I hate the bullshit that comes along with group dynamics. It is soul sucking and I don’t have time for it. (That’s not to say that the group that is getting together has those challenges.  It is just a general statement.)

I don’t know how to answer the issue with Facebook friendship, et. al.  It really isn’t that important to me.  If I communicate with somebody in person, I pretty much consider them a friend until an action(s) occur(s) that I reconsider it.  

Honestly, I pretty much unfollow all and then add back those whose things I want to see.

As for me and what I post, people don’t understand that I hide nothing.  I have no “friends only” posts.  

Therefore, if somebody is interested in what I’m doing or what I have to say, it is out there for the world to see. 

Facebook friendship is not a requirement of any level of engagement with me nor does it go the other way around.  

I also think that people can follow on Facebook and not be a friend if they want to see your public posts in their news feed.

I hope that answers some of your questions.

She responded, "It does.  Thank you."

Like I said, I have good counsel on this situation.  Basically, I am deciding not to respond to the individual because there's not a path to anything basic as nothing to this date has worked so far.

My female race director friend says that this individual is into collecting friends.  Another friend who I've shared this with that doesn't know her has a much harsher assessment that's been well noted.

As I may have mentioned before, I may have remembered one like of a Facebook post of mine ever and that's because I had tagged their running coach in it.

She truly doesn't care about engagement.  It is just about keeping somebody close who thinks well of her, says nice things about her and might be interested in her too.

That train has now officially left the station for good.

I think the "Take care Jon.  Merry Christmas", especially because she was angry - maybe (or just playing a game) - for being unfriended, was a send off.

Again, it's really sad.

I would say that there are hundreds of people that I meet at random from work, at races, etc. that I have better engagement with than I do with her.

Their reaching out to me hopefully takes my worry about being accused of stalking off the table.

I also said to somebody that I hope they find peace and happiness somewhere.  

I believe that I was as nice as she's going to get in an individual who wasn't out for something, was a gentleman and didn't get out of my lane other than to make the ask that I did two and a half weeks ago, but gave everything I had and got nothing other than some headaches and time wasted in return.

I guess that's why they call the latter "experience".

Sunday, December 6, 2020

I'm Enough, Even When Ghosted; December 6, 2020

I really don't know if anything hurts more than being ghosted by somebody that you know.

I might not know them as well as I'd like, but when you have had face-to-face conversations, albeit brief, it is really a kick in the teeth.

So what precipitated this?

Some casual conversations, in person and electronically.

I had seen the individual on a Saturday morning.  

I actually saw them arrive, but I purposely put my attention elsewhere as I stood on the corner of the location that I was at.

I was heading out a little later to run a 5K that morning at 9 a.m.

They, for the first time ever, actually approached and said something more than, "Hi Jon," and asked something related to the 5K as I had previously shared what I was doing.  They had indicated that they was running with their group that morning.  The same group that is headed up by my good friend.

I explained that it was at 9 a.m. and I had time to come and hang out with my best friend, which I don't always have the opportunity to do, as he saw his runners start and finish that morning.  (I ended up leaving at 7:30 a.m. for the record.)

So later that day I had done an interview with a website that covers high school cross country about me announcing at the public school state meet for the first time.

I sent her a note, via Facebook Messenger, our communication channel, the said the following:  "Great to see and talk with you this morning.  Now here’s the buzzkill ... 🙂"  And sent the link with it.

A little self-deprecating humor, but basically harmless.

They replied, "Definitely nice seeing you too Jon. Although our encounters are always briefs lately!  Nice write up. I like how they described you and your work.  Good luck in Round Rock this week!"

I could tell from the response that they hadn't watched the interview, but that was OK.

I rued over the second sentence all that evening and into the morning.

Although.  Our.  Encounters.  Are.  Always.  Brief.  Lately.

So what did that mean?

I could have ignored it, but I didn't.  I stepped out on the plank - and cut it off behind me.

If anybody knows me well, I like to laugh and have a good time.  

I'm not a joke teller, but I think people like me being around generally.

So, I sent the following:

"Thanks. More than brief?  Hmmm. Like school options in the world of COVID, if not in person, there is a 35-minute video on that link for your viewing pleasure.  It’s totally safe and you can easily cut it short if bored.  And nobody would know if you did.  

If in person, well, that’s a bit more tricky and risky.  That’s either a run (but if you did that ... it might affect your speed permanently, which would really be a shame) or coffee/lunch and if you bore there (which is a genuine possibility), it has the potential to be really awkward.  🙂  

So it’s kind of like multiple choices of either the red pill or the blue pill from the movie, “Matrix”.  But I’m game if you are."

Maybe it was weak.  I don't know.  I tried to be light-hearted.

Face it, I knew what the answer was going to be, but there have been four distinct times that they said or did things that were clearly different.  I couldn't have misread them.  

In fact, with the exception of this last item, I had sought out the council of a good female race director friend that I have to make sure.

My friend had actually advised me of some behaviors that the individual had been exhibiting so I was somewhat prepared.

But I wasn't prepared to get no response.

Even a "thanks, but no thanks Jon" would have been better than nothing.

So my efforts to try and respond to their lead was muted silent.

The following Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving, we had our standard "no frills" 5K to complete out a three-race series for the holidays.

I had actually thought that they would have shown on Friday, but they didn't.

I noticed though when their vehicle pulled in the school parking lot.

I had positioned myself behind a brick column.  I heard something said and one runner had mentioned by daughter's name, but it was a response to a question if she and another were the only women there.  The other runner said that Waverly had run the day before.  And she was there that morning and heard and saw the dialogue.

I admit that I didn't respond well.  Oh, I said nothing, but when we walked to the start, I was way in front of everyone.

I could feel the negative emotion just rolling through my body.

We were at the start and I didn't make eye contact at all, but I will explain why here in just a few.

I started to the outside of the loop in the parking lot and they took the inside with other runners.  I did notice that they charged off pretty hard at the start.

I had already made up my mind the day before that I would run the loop outside of the parking lot in the opposite direction.  If I had run it in the current direction, there was an out-and-back and I would have had to face them when they made it to the turnaround before I did.  

Going in reverse ensured that I wouldn't make it from the other side to the turnaround before they did.

As soon as I made the right-hand turn out of the school parking lot and got on the pathway, I wasn't hyperventilating, but the negative emotion and energy ended up causing me to run the same distance a minute and 40 seconds slower than I had the day before.

The finish line for the course that I had gone, while accurate, was different than what everybody else had run.  So I had time to walk from the finish and collect my thoughts some, but I just couldn't bring myself to stay.

I got close enough to give my best friend the time, but I turned around and left.  I didn't want to start anything.

So why didn't I stay?

Well, I had a bad experience 10 years earlier in the community and to keep a long story short I felt like if I had initiated any contact that they - albeit it would have been - and would be - crazy to do so - could have made an allegation of stalking.

I don't think they would, but I have to protect myself, sadly.

Over the days to come, I actually asked myself to be removed as an editor from the Facebook page of the group that my best friend ran - and that they run in.

I also unfriended four people that I knew that they had commented on the posts of on Facebook.  One was an individual that when I shared with my daughter, she said, "You unfriended so-and-so."

Again, same thing, I didn't want to put myself into a position that somebody would think that I would stalk them.

None of the four have noticed or said anything to date.

Just really, really sad - and I can't tell you how much it hurts.

At some point, it will go away, but that day isn't today.  I'm writing to help to continue to get the negative emotion out.

Because when I think of a time when something is said at some point down the road, I play out how I'm going to respond if it ever comes again and those responses aren't where I want them to be.

I continue to remind myself, though, that my worth doesn't come from this individual - and it never will, but through God and to Him, I'm enough.  And I always will be.