Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tap Out Ten; June 27, 2018

It has been pretty hot up here in north Texas.

When I ran with the Denton Area Running Club at 8:00 p.m. for their 5K social run, it was still in the upper 90s.  Ouch!

Just slowed it down even more than what I already run.  My hamstring held up pretty good.  Have some more stretching to get to when I get done with this.

Am starting to look ahead to football season and was able to put together’s composite football schedules for the Southwest Preparatory Conference (SPC) and TAPPS Division I.

I had started on TAPPS Division V and hope to finish it tomorrow.

Reached out to Dan Morgan,’s founder and my broadcast partner, and I proposed a schedule for broadcasting football games in 2018 based on a requirement or two.

Hope to be able to release that here soon.

We’re going to put a commentary out there shortly to solicit some feedback on what the Texas private and parochial high school sports community feels like we should be doing.

We’re in one of those, “We need to find our compass” stages, I think.

Looking forward to heading home tomorrow. 

My initial plan was to run one of the two 5Ks up here – one in Dallas and the other in Fort Worth, but I may pass them up.

I’m considering going to the Cleburne Railroaders game, which starts at 7:06 p.m., but it would mean that I would get home between midnight and 1 a.m.

I’m hoping to get the data file tomorrow from Graham Schooley for Saturday’s second annual Independence Day 8K so I can complete my preparation a day early and can go and get things printed and laminated on Friday.

Graham had shared with the team that RA Sports Management will have a 10-race card in 2019.

Pretty exciting.  I like working with Graham and Brian Jones and their team.  Have no complaints whatsoever.

In other announcing news, a national race producer reached out to me today about announcing their Houston race again in 2019, but I want to make sure that the local party that brought me to the table  last year is taken care of.

They said that they are in the process of filing out an RFP to provide race management resources..

Not too much else going on.

I did get to participate in a call for the next project that I’ll be working on after this project is complete.

Pretty exciting to be able to work with a company that I used to work for early in my healthcare career and to be able to see – and work with – some products that my company have developed in a couple of different spaces in the industry.

Really appreciate my leadership seeing fit to include me on the engagement.

Congratulations June Harris for agreeing to lead the Houston Area Road Runners Association (HARRA) for the coming year and glad that they had the courage to have essentially an outsider step up and agree to serve in an important capacity.

More later on the organization that doesn’t seem to value fresh, new perspectives.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tap Out Ten; June 26, 2018

Not too busy of a day at work from the client’s perspective but am starting to become fully involved in a project that I’ll be assigned to once this one that I’m on is complete.

Looking forward to it, but it will be a completely different change of pace.

Put in 4.18 miles tonight.  Two miles in 97-99 on the Decatur middle school track and then another two 1.09-mile loops outside the Hampton Inn here in Denton.

Had to leave the street quickly for a car approaching and landed my left leg on a curb and made tender the upper hamstring on my left leg again.

The first loop was about an 11-something pace, and the second I brought in at about 10:35; however, I could tell the whole area was tender.

I will stretch before going to sleep tonight and I’m not confident that it isn’t going to be without a little bit of pain.

Very thankful today for successful surgery for the oldest daughter of my cousin Matt and his wife Brooke.  Guess she fractured her right arm and they needed to go in put some pins there to set it.

Saw the note this morning, pictures of her waiting to go into surgery and at home recovering.

Thankfully for her, Mom is a nurse.

Again, just very thankful that everything came out OK for her today.  She’s four and is a character.

I’m afraid that she’s going to be a fun handful for Matt and Brooke down the road.

I’m thankful that I had the nearly all-the-time compliant child as Dr. James Dobson described her basically.

I listened last night to a sermon from the pastor, Dr. Mark Rotramel, of the church that I want to attend Sunday morning in El Paso – the First Baptist Church of El Paso.

It was on I Corinthians 13:5, but the illustration that he used was great in that we burden our spiritual backpack down with rocks, such as unforgiveness of others.

We listen to a sermon and say, “Wow, I wish somebody was here to hear this.”  And come to find out, it is really that we are the ones that need to hear it and get the process rolling.

He said, “Hurt people hurt people.”  I would totally agree with that statement and that we first must acknowledge our own sin before we can start unloading our backpack of the rocks that we’ve weighted ourselves down with.

The other thing that struck me here recently is an excellent article that I read in the June 18, 2018 edition of The New Yorker.

The copy of the magazine – one that I don’t normally subscribe to or buy – was left in the pouch of the Southwest airplane that we took from Boston to St. Louis Sunday evening.

It was an article titled, “The Enemy of My Enemy:  The U.S., Israel, and the Gulf states unite against Iran.”

The biggest thing that I took away from it was that - while people are criticizing the President and many of the things that they are doing as an administration - there are some very productive things in this area that they are working on that people just choose not to see.

It was really an encouragement to me to read.

The other interesting article that I read while having dinner tonight at Cowboy Chicken in Denver was “Nowhere to Hide:  Privacy in the time of Big Data.”

It basically postulated some of the current challenges that are happening in our society about our right to privacy – or not – or the pursuit – as one judge wrote in a court opinion - of being “left alone”.

As an introvert, I can complete identify with that sentiment 110%.

Hope your Tuesday was good and productive and that tomorrow will be even more so.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Tap Out Ten; June 25, 2018

I’ve done this in the past and called it, “Tap Out Ten”.

And that’s just to do a brain dump for ten minutes of the day that just passed.

I used to do it on my phone while laying in bed, but I’m upright having arrived in Denton about two hours earlier than normal on a Monday evening.

Great weekend with my daughter as we traveled to Boston and then participated in races in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

We’ve been taking trips together since she was about seven or eight.

Rhode Island was special.  We finally made it into state #50 and, of course, we’ve also have been – and run a race in – Washington, D.C.

It was state #50 for me to run a race in.

We ran it together, and she told me afterward that she was holding back a little.  I’ve been battling a tight hamstring that got in a knot two Fridays ago at a cross country 5K in Huntsville.

This morning, my chiropractor, Dr. Dawn Schwab with Spinal Care Chiropractic in The Woodlands, made an adjustment and quickly noticed that my hips were out of alignment.

She’s been such a godsend to me physically.

Over the last 12 years, her work and adjustments have kept me out of surgery as I have had two protruding discs for quite some time that are degenerative.

One of the many, many things in my life that I’m thankful for.

This weekend, I will be announcing the second annual Independence Day 8K on Saturday morning then going to El Paso for the rest to see a ballgame in El Paso and either a Pecos League game in Alpine or Alamagordo.

I’ve scouted out churches to attend regardless of the decision.

I’d really like to go to Alpine to see Kokernot Field, but I do need a little bit more rest from this past weekend’s trip, which included a half marathon and a 5K.

We’ll see how I feel.

I’m using some of my Hilton Honors points to stay at the Doubletree, which means I’ll be able to walk to the new ballpark there in El Paso Saturday evening after I fly in.

I also can walk to church I believe on Sunday morning if I decide to go to the game in Alamagordo on Sunday evening, but I need to confirm the times.

Thankful as always for safe travels to Denton here this evening.

Just a number of crazy, overly aggressive drivers who speed ruin an otherwise easy trip, even though it takes me regularly four and a half hours to get her.

I stopped this evening at McKenzie’s in Madisonville.  Excellent food, but the service at the Madisonville location is much slower than the one in Huntsville.

I’ve signed Waverly up to run the Independence Day 8K.  It is always great to have her be able to go along when I’m working a race. 

Not that I have help with my sound equipment, I just enjoy seeing her work at something – and am glad for any time that I get to spend with her, especially as she gets older.

I’ll start preparing in a day or two, but I already have my mental approach down to what needs to be done to announce the race for Graham and Brian and the entire Race Assist team.

If you’ve stumbled upon this, I sincerely hope that you’ve had a great Monday and have an even better week ahead.