Monday, October 14, 2019

We'll See; October 14, 2019

Lots of things to say and lots of things not to say.

First of all, I'm thankful that my parents made it safely back to Texas today after driving a van back from Pennsylvania after clearing the last items from my grandparents' house that is getting ready to sell.

When I go up there in a couple of weeks to drive my grandmother's car to Texas, it will be the first time that I go back and not be able to go in that house.  Not quite sure what my emotions will be.

At the moment, though, the best thing is that I'm finally starting to feel much better after battling an ear infection for about three weeks.

Well, a week and a half prior to getting officially diagnosed, I didn't win with my own remedies, but the amoxicillin, which did clear things up, wrecked havoc on my stomach until last Friday, October 3, when I didn't take the last three tablets of a seven-day supply.

I tried running last Tuesday night and it was ugly.  Just getting the desire back to begin working out again.

I announced two races this past weekend - the 14th annual Memorial Hermann Ten For Texas on Saturday in The Woodlands and the second annual Bearkat Bolt 5K in Huntsville on Sunday.

These days are going by the wayside.  Even though I do what I do very well, I want my time back.

Some races over the years I've been paid and others I've done pro bono, donating my time in the community.

There are four high school cross country meets that I do.  I probably hold on to those, but I let three race producers over the weekend know that I was done and I don't feel one bit bad about it.

I have one more producer to let know and will shortly and another I will let them know that I will handle things up to the start of the race, but I'm not spending all day there as I have for many, many years.

How will I fill the time?  I'm not quite sure yet, but I'm going to try my best to fill it with something that I enjoy.

My desire on Texas private and parochial high school athletics has again faded here recently.

We'll see where that goes.  Might be a thing that I do in moderation, but my failing is that what I do there I have a natural tendency to go all in and be better than everybody else - and that might not always be the most healthy thing.

So it is one of those things where it will be, "We'll see."  Have two great friends, Dan Morgan and David Fuller, who are likeminded, and I enjoy doing the things that we do together to promote the sports.

Maybe I have to learn to take smaller doses on everything.

I know this weekend after announcing the Huntsville Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon and 5K I have plans to roam.

I want to check another Texas stadium off my list - after not going to Texas Lutheran this past Saturday night (where a good friend, Patrick Zarate, was inducted to their Athletics Hall of Fame).  I'm still a little bummed that I missed it when I learned about it early this morning.

What I have targeted is Tarleton State in Stephenville, but it is filling the time around it up.

There are two races on Sunday in Louisiana that I can run, but a lot of driving on Saturday (and Sunday) to do all that I can possibly squeeze in.  I'm sure I'll look at things multiple times before deciding what I'm going to do.

Even while eating dinner tonight, I maybe want to get back to my running a mile in every Texas county - and do some of that this weekend.

Which leads me back to "We'll see."  A popular refrain and one that I'm thankful I can say that I have available to me.

If you're reading, thanks for doing so.

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