Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Getting Out The Door; November 26, 2019

It really is true.  The hardest thing about running is getting out the door.

So many times I'll put together a great trip like this one that I'm on and I'll pack clothes to run -- and never do.

I changed it tonight though.

After working from the hotel here in downtown Shreveport today, I drove over to Ruston to see a basketball game at Louisiana Tech.

The Lady Techsters used to be one of the great women's basketball powerhouses in the late 1970s through the early 1990s, along with the likes of Tennessee and UCLA, but the last 20 years haven't been as kind to them.

I had eaten before the game - at a new restaurant - and after leaving the arena at the end of the third quarter, I drove back, got logged on and I started to look to see what things needed to be pushed out via the Lone Star Christian Sports Network (LSCSN) Twitter feed to promote Texas private and parochial high school athletics.

And that's what has happened to me over the almost 17 years of running.  I'll sit longer than I should until it gets so late that I think that I can't go out and get a quality run in.

Then I tell myself that if I can't run more than 30 minutes it isn't worth going out -- and won't do any good.  Of course, I know that not to be true.

And finally, I worry about time, distance and pace.

However, once I get out there, regardless of the atmospheric conditions, I feel good and am enjoying it and wish that I had the confidence to just leave the watch at home (or in tonight's case, in the hotel.)

I probably hit the pavement at about 10:30 p.m. and I had marked off a box of streets that I could remember so I could map my distance.  (I don't wear a device that has GPS nor do I run with my phone.)

I missed making the left on to Market Street so I kept running down to the Red River and then hit the trail for a little out and back.

Overall, it was 3.66 miles over 40 minutes - 10:57 pace. 

Sure, I'd like for it to have been faster, but it was just a reminder that I need to get out and just run for the heck of it more often.

I know that I'll get miles in Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I need to squeeze a couple in in the morning and enjoy where I am at right now -- and decide where I'm going to run for Thanksgiving.

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