Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tap Out Ten; November 7, 2019

As I've mentioned here before, I've had an exercise where I just "Tap Out Ten" minutes of thought.  Kind of an unloading of the brain in written format.

Usually I've done this late at night before I go to sleep, but I decided to take a ten-minute break to pound out some things.

I picked up this book in my Dad's spare office where I'm working for called "Crushed".  It is about pastors in the minstry who are giving up because of many factors.  (I'm just starting to read it in bits and pieces while I'm here.)

So the immediate thought is that I need to challenge myself to do more, not to the point of burnout, mind you, but just to share and do as much as I possibly can with the time that I'm given.

Work is stable and I'm thankful for it and that's about all I can say there.

My daughter is doing well.  She just finished her second marathon two Sundays ago and bought a new car.  The way she methodically went about it makes me very proud about how she planned everything out.  I'm hoping that she can get her current car sold so I can get it off of my insurance.  (She has her own insurance that she's paying for now.)

She's at a great school for her second year of teaching.  It is a smaller class size, but some of the challenges are no different than where she was last year.  Just not as magnified.  Similarly, I really can't say anything more as I never know who's reading (and I'd never intentionally put her in a bad spot.)

The rest of life?  Actually, fairly good.  I have no major complaints.

It is just continually about what I want to do to fill my time.  My passions are few.

I don't know if I would have called the announcing that I did a passion.  I think it was something that God blessed me with certain talents.  I just hope that I used them wisely.  I do have concern that walking away from it, for the most part, that God will take some of those talents away from me, but I'm hoping that I can use those skills and abilities in another way, shape or form.

In the meantime, it is to figure out where do I go run and what can I go see without breaking the bank.

I was hoping to go run a race in Waco that I enjoy doing, but I agreed to broadcast a football game Saturday night here in Houston and I just didn't see being wise in driving three hours there, run a race and come back.

Therefore, I'm staying home and running a 5K - at least one - that a friend of mine from the private school days (the first time around) is helping to produce.

I'm also looking forward to seeing and talking with a friend that I haven't spent any significant time with since being on the same half marathon course two Novembers ago.  I'm looking forward to seeing the individual in person on Saturday morning.

Beyond that, it is just figure out where I'm going to see athletic contests the rest of this weekend.  The choices are many.

I'm looking at basketball tonight and tomorrow and Rice's women play volleyball at 1 p.m. on Sunday and then the men play basketball at 4 p.m. to follow.  Just am trying to see if I can get a race in in the morning.

That's it. Ten minutes came by pretty quick.  Have a great rest of your Thursday!

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