Thursday, May 13, 2021

Coping Memes; May 13, 2021

 "If I ever stopped talking to you and removed you from my life, I hope you understand how hard that was for me.  I have a bad habit of holding onto the good in people, no matter how bad they're for me or treat me.  So, if you have been removed, it's because you pushed me past my limits."

And the individual thinks I've been on again, off again.  Why?  Because I've forgiven them and tried giving them multiple second chances and they're no more closer to being a friend than they were before.

"Your relationship with a narcissist didn't fail by chance, it failed by design.  Narcissists don't want a happy relationship.  They want a relationship that makes them feel powerful, superior but also wronged by their inferiors."

I believe this.  I think that my praise of them at times was like a drug or narcotic almost.  And when I tried to push to make it like any other friendship that I have and asked them for time, they're too good to meet and break bread with me.

"The problem with being abused by a narcissist is how charming they appear to everyone else.  No one can truly believe that someone like that is an abuser.  They make it seem like you're lying.  They play everyone like a puppet on strings.  To everyone else, you're 'overreacting' but the narcissist knows what they're doing.  They know that they're making you look bad and they enjoy it."

Which if the latter is really truly, it is really sick.

"Trying to look for the good in clearly toxic people is probably a trauma response."

You want to believe that there's no way that they can allow it to go on one day longer, but they do.

"Once you see the true character of the narcissist you can't unsee it. Everything they say and do is from an acting perspective.  They live in a land of make believe and if you don't take your script and act your part in their twisted drama, you will see the most vile movie director to ever walk the planet.  You are not a person to them.  You are only a two bit-actor that has been blessed to snag a role in their horror show.  If you don't play the part you will be replaced."

Please replace me.  Forever.  
Three weeks ago, I finally saw their hate. And that's OK.
It isn't on me.  It is on them.  And they know it.

"Don't get it twisted.  Narcissists understand exactly what you're saying.  It's not a communication problem, it is a "I don't want to take accountability for my actions problem" so I play stupid."

Their response, "I think where I got "into trouble"..."  They knew.  
They just don't have the character nor class to apologize.

"A narcissist will provoke you to get a reaction out of you so that they can blame it all on you."

My only reactions have been on these posts.  Blame me for these, but this is just documentation.

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