Monday, April 3, 2023

Tap Out Ten; April 3, 2023

Can and can't believe April is here already, so let's meet it head on, right?

Social media is always "something else".  Have had two situations where people reveal things about themselves that just simply suggest to say, "Step away."

Fortunately, I've learned a lot of it the very hard way, but am thankful that I experienced some bad stuff so I know what not to let myself be around.

What's ahead?  Work and just trying to remain happy, level-headed and figure out what I can do with the rest of my life.

Still continue to say that some days are hard.

There's only so many pages in books I can read, movies I can see or places to go before some of it gets boring.

I was bored to tears at about the fifth or sixth inning Saturday at the Wayland Baptist University at Southwestern Assemblies of God University second game of a doubleheader in Waxahachie.

I couldn't take it anymore and headed south, even though I had something planned in Mesquite at 7 p.m.

I needed to get back as my Dad was experiencing a mild medical situation and I wanted to be back in case my Mom needed my support to what he was dealing with.

He's OK, but still needs to get some understanding about what caused his issue and how to deal with going forward.

The plan is to head to Albuquerque this weekend to see the AAA stadium there - and will get in a college game at around noon at the University of New Mexico.

It'll be good.  Haven't been there in quite some time.  

Maybe not since I worked there for Presbyterian Health System, while I worked for what once was ... I don't know that I really remember what company I was working for at the time.

It might have been one of my first few assignments with McKesson, who I left IMA to go to.  

Because that summer, I had Waverly come out for a weekend and she got to experience a bunch of unique things, including riding in a hot air balloon.

That was definitely interesting.

Hope to run a 5K while I'm there.  If it doesn't go well, I'll blame it on the altitude!

I may go to Wichita, Kansas the following weekend before the weekend of Ironman Texas.  I never know.  "I make it up as I go" is kind of a mantra of mine.

I really did enjoy seeing a ballgame at the American Airlines Center Saturday afternoon, seeing my third NCAA championship contest by taking in the NCAA Division III women's basketball championship.

Great game.  Both universities brought great crowds from Virginia and Kentucky.

Certainly wish I could watch basketball - in-person - year-round.

However, I hope to catch as much baseball as I can this late spring, summer and early fall.

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