Thursday, June 3, 2021

Appreciating My Daughter; June 3, 2021

You have to really love it when your child looks after you when you least expect it.

That's what I have in my daughter, and I am greatly appreciative of it.

I can attest - as I have a largely front row seat to it as she still lives at home (something that is offered to her to save money, especially as she begins grad school) - that she is a fully committed Christ believer and follower.  I believe, for sure, but don't follow as well as I should.

Almost three weeks ago, she saw something that just didn't seem totally right.

She was hesitant to share it with me, but I'm glad that she did.

It was the catalyst to so many things, along with the faith-based help that I was getting from one of Texas' top female masters runners.

She also, as a result of reading Lysa Terkhurst's book, "Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again", clued me in Tuesday of a podcast that Terkhurst and her ministry produced.

It was part of a Series entitled "Therapy & Theology", but the specific podcast from December 8, 2020 was on "Addressing Codependency".

The podcast was extremely relevant and supported the actions that I have taken in the past nearly three weeks.

The moves are actually more extreme than in the past and are those that I have to keep in place for a much longer time I believe.

I'm also starting to go through chapter by chapter of "Lead With Love:  Embracing Greater Purpose, Passion, Perseverance & Perspective".

Today's chapter was on "Cleansing Thoughts".

I had mentioned to the friend that is helping me on Sunday in a communication with her that I've been working hard on stopping the tapes from playing over in my head.

Page 16 of "Lead With Love" stated some of the following:

"Deflecting The Negative:  This is how we must address the sin and negative thoughts in our life."

"It's reminding myself that through God's grace, in my salvation through Christ, I am already fully cleansed."

"The other thing we need to remember is seeking to avoid the muck and grime of sin and fear that surrounds us."

For me it isn't so much fear, but the muck.

"It's blocking or looking away from the ever-present slew of angry or inappropriate posts on social media."

Blocking, unfortunately, is a necessity when dealing with those who add no real, lasting value in your life.

"Find your own ways to be cleansed.  Ask yourself what really "fills your cup" with positivity, love, hope and purpose.  Spend more time with those who lift you up.  Seek more of God in your life on a daily basis and you too will wash away all the unnecessary filth that is holding you back."

So, to my daughter and a good friend and, of course, God, thank you.

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