Friday, December 31, 2021

Memes That Have Spoke Truth in 2021; December 31, 2021

Just some recent memes that have resonated with me the last month:

+ Relationships don't work because people think it's okay to ignore somebody when they're mad instead of being mature and communicating.  (Friendships - or so-called friendships - apply here too.)

+ Sometimes it doesn't work out with someone because they're a piece of shit who deserves a piece of shit and you're not a piece of shit.  (I'm far from it.)

+ You don't "get over" narcissistic abuse.  You learn to work through what happened.  But you are never the same.  (Call on God for this.)

Narcissists & Boundaries
+ Ghost you when you dare to confront them.  (Ghosted and then gaslighted when I asked for time.)
+ Use the silent treatment against you.  (Experienced this.)
+ Play the victim to avoid responsibility.  (I think where I messed up ...)
+ Ignore your feelings completely.  (Experienced this.)
+ Act in a passive aggressive way.  (Experienced this.)
+ Take your words out of contact.  (Hard to do when I don't engage.)
+ Twist your words.  (Hard to do when I don't engage.)
+ Completely miss the point on purpose.  

+ The most important lesson I've learned over this past year is don't let anybody make you cruel.  No matter how badly you want to give the world a taste of its own bitter medicine, it is never worth losing yourself.  (This is the extent of the give, right here.)

+ My 2022 resolution is to stop wondering if I'm good enough for other people and start wondering if they're good enough for me.  (My friend Amie said last year, "Jon, they don't deserve you."  She's right.)

Things that narcissists hate
+ Boundaries (Because I don't - and will no longer ever - engage.)
+ Being ignored (This is the TRUTH.)
+ Being questioned about their behavior
+ Seeing a victim engage in happy and healthy relationships (Heck yes, when I got a hug from another female before a race, it drove her nuts.)
+ Not having control and power
+ Becoming irrelevant  (She may think that she gets ancillary power from certain things.  Nope.  It is just business to me, like the recent blog post.)
+ Being wrong (She'll never give me a full-fledged apology.  Never.)

+ There's no such thing as "staying friends" with a narcissist.  They have never been, and will never be your friend.  They are your enemy.  (I agree with this.  They fear you will share their secret with everyone.)

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