Thursday, December 23, 2021

Waiting For God's Answers; December 23, 2021

When you think your prayers aren't being answered , you tend to get discouraged and cry out, "God, why aren't You helping me?"

Yet God promised to answer your prayers:  "Ask, and it wil be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).  However, sometimes you don't see the answer for a while, or God may say no because He has a different - and better - plan.

So you are exhorted to ask,  But your request must be ..

* in faith (Matthew 21:22),
* without selfish motives (James 4:3), and
* according to the will of God (I John 5:14-15).

Source:  One-Minute Insights For Men, Jim George, page 4.
Copyright 2013 Jim George

My thoughts:  I can't say that I know whether or not God answers my prayers in that mine are very general.

Maybe I'm afraid to ask for things specifically, largely because I feel that I'm selfish for doing so.

I've had an issue this past year that I've battled and all I've asked God from that is to meet that person and their families' needs.  What more can I do in that situation?  I don't know what they are, because they've never let me in, but I know that God knows what they are.

Generally, the majority of my prayers just focus on thanking God for providing health to family members.

Perhaps I need to be more specific in my prayers - or seek things that need specific attention - and focus on those in the coming year.

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