Wednesday, August 17, 2016

At Least Three Times; August 17, 2016

Do you ever reflect at the end of the day and realize the times that you know as a believer that God was there and actively involved in your activities?

That was definitely me today.  I believe that there were three specific instances where I realized this.

After getting fingerprinted in case I want to pursue some substitute teaching in a time of transition, I went to one of the local universities that I didn't succeed in doing well in getting my Bachelor's degree completed some 26-27 years ago.

I needed to request an official transcript to be sent to another university and their online program so that they could evaluate what might transfer.

I knew that the transcript wasn't pretty and actually I thought I might have had a hold on the account from an on campus parking ticket.

The latter didn't end up existing and I was surprised that I had completed more hours than I thought.

The question now will be how many of them will I be able to bring over and what will I have left to finally get that Bachelor's degree that I need.

But the important thing is that I believe that God gave me the courage to be able to finally face that fear of not being able to do anything about all of that.

At least in the communication with this other university, I have some hope.

(And even though a very involved alum offered their assistance at this local university, I don't think I can get past the academic suspension that I left the university from some 26 years ago.)

Later at work, I was in a monthly meeting to discuss the opportunities and challenges in working the accounts receivable of a health care organization that I've been assigned to for the last four and a quarter years.

I have expressed interest in a few permanent positions there.

One of them is for an executive director who hasn't come to that meeting in quite some time, but she was there today.

I had reached out to her two weeks ago after I got word of what might be coming soon and she responded Friday while I was in Virginia with my daughter.

We had a good dialogue and conversation today and are looking to get together on Monday to discuss the opportunities in her area.  Whether anything comes out of it or not, the fact that she was in that meeting today - for the first time in as long as she's been gone from it - was more than just coincidence.

It was a signal to me that God is saying, "Trust me."  Doesn't mean that He's going to give me that job, but rather that I should trust His process in it all.

The third and final thing was later this evening.

After receiving help from T-Mobile in getting an iPhone back and active after Saturday's crazy telephonic adventures, I came home, changed clothes and went to get a bite to eat.

I was really hungry for a Pollo Mexicano at Jason's Deli in The Woodlands.

I wasn't necessarily impatient, but when I walked in and went to the regular register, not the take out one, the young man there motioned for some help.

With a couple of employees on their phones (yes, they could have been on their break) and not providing the normal level of customer service there, and in being told that I needed to go over to that line, I just decided to leave and go eat something some place else.

Rather than be angry and upset, it was the best option.  (And, oh, it wasn't about waiting in line - as I had already waited, but rather it was just the approach of the employees that didn't strike me well.)

So I went down the road, close to where I live, and went in Freddy's Hamburgers and the College and Career class from where I go to church was there.

So what did God have to do with this?

Well, my long-time friend - and now Associate Pastor of our church - was there and I had a chance to share with him what was going on with my job situation.  (He understanding and empathetic as he works in the IT industry and has had to do what may happen to me in a couple of weeks.)

But the bottom line is that I know that he and his wife will pray for me and that again God was revealing to me that He's there - even though I may feel distant and am anxious of what may or may not happen.

That's my share and takeaway from the day.

The last page of the book that I just finished reading, "Crazy Busy" by Kevin DeYoung said the following:  "We won't say no to more craziness until we can say yes to more Jesus.  We will keep choosing dinner rolls over the bread of life.  We will choose the fanfare of the world over the feet of Jesus.  We will choose busyness over blessing."

So I'm trying to make time to read a couple of devotionals and pray and get and stay close to Jesus better than I ever have.

It doesn't mean that there won't be times that I won't be anxious, nervous or unsure, but there should be more times of peace and comfort - even in the middle of a storm of life - by slowing down and staying close to God.

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